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Page 1 Page 2 This poster was created for the 1872 presidential election. The presidential candidate was former Civil War general Ulysses S.Grant. His vice -presidential running mate was US senator Henry Wilson. The text at the top reads, "The Workingman's Banner. For President For Vice-President."The bottom of the poster reads, "The Galena Tanner" and "The Natick Shoemaker." A tanner is someone who makes leather. How does this campaign poster from the 1872 election rely on the "plain folks" technique? Check all that apply. D The shield has an American flag on it. D Grant is depicted as a Civil War hero. Both men are shown in the kind of clothing worn by laborers. D The text at the bottom draws attention to their "average" careers. The text at the top includes the phrase "workingman's banner:


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4.2 (177 Votos)
Julia Profissional · Tutor por 6 anos


C, D, E


The "plain folks" technique is a propaganda strategy that aims to convince the audience that the speaker's position is that of the common person, or "plain folks". This technique is often used in political campaigns to appeal to the common man and to show that the candidate is just like them. In the context of the 1872 presidential election campaign poster, we can analyze the elements that might be using the "plain folks" technique:1. The shield with an American flag on it: This symbolizes patriotism and national pride, but it doesn't necessarily connect the candidate to the common person or their experiences.2. Grant depicted as a Civil War hero: This portrays Grant as a figure of national importance and heroism, which is not directly related to the "plain folks" technique.3. Both men shown in the kind of clothing worn by laborers: This is a clear use of the "plain folks" technique, as it shows the candidates in the attire of the common working man, making them appear more relatable and down-to-earth.4. The text at the bottom draws attention to their "average" careers: Mentioning careers like "The Galena Tanner" and "The Natick Shoemaker" which are typical working-class jobs, aligns with the "plain folks" technique, as it emphasizes the candidates' humble backgrounds and relatability to the common person.5. The text at the top includes the phrase "workingman's banner": This phrase directly appeals to the working class, using the "plain folks" technique to show that the campaign is for the common man.Based on this analysis, the elements that rely on the "plain folks" technique are the depiction of the candidates in laborers' clothing, the mention of their average careers, and the phrase "workingman's banner" in the text.