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questão 02: (2 pontos) durante suas férias, oito amigos, dos quais dois são canhotos, decidem realizar um torneio de vôlei de


Questão 02: (2 pontos) Durante suas férias, oito amigos, dos quais dois são canhotos, decidem realizar um torneio de vôlei de praia. Eles precisam formar quatro duplas para a realização do torneio. Nenhuma dupla pode ser formada por dois jogadores canhotos. De quantas maneiras diferentes podem ser formadas essas quatro duplas?


Verificación de expertos
4.5 (275 Votos)
Karla Maria Mestre · Tutor por 5 anos




This question involves combinatorics, a topic within mathematics that deals with counting, arrangement, and probability. To solve this problem, we consider the different ways to form pairs for the volleyball tournament under the given condition: no pair can have two left-handed players.We have 8 friends, of which 2 are left-handed. We need to form 4 pairs for the tournament.1. First, we pair the two left-handed players with right-handed players. There are 6 right-handed players, so there are 6 choices for the first left-handed player and 5 choices for the second. This results in 6 * 5 = 30 possible pairings for the left-handed players.2. Now, we need to pair the remaining 4 right-handed players. These can be paired in a standard way of pairing n people into n/2 pairs, which is given by the formula (n-1)!! (double factorial). For 4 people, it's (4-1)!! = 3!! = 3 * 1 = 3.3. The total number of ways to form the pairs is the product of these two steps. So, it's 30 * 3 = 90.Thus, there are 90 different ways to form the four pairs under the given conditions.