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● complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of should grammar. 1.you_____very much noise. the baby is asleep a)should


● complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of should grammar. 1.you_____very much noise. the baby is asleep a)should make b)shouldn't make c)shouldn't making 2.(a)_____i eat that candy) (b)no,you_____ a)should/should b)shouldn't/don't c)should/shouldn't 3.i think_____a doctor. you look very sick. a)should see b)should you see c)you should see 4.i want to become rich and famous_____? a)what i should do b)how i should do c)what should i do 5.(a)_____my books? (b)over there,on The desk. a)should i put b)shouldn't i put c)should i put 6.i want to improve my english. what____? a)should do b)should i do c)i should do 7.that Road is very dangerous they_____there at night. a)shouldn't drive b)should driving c)shouldn't driving 8.(a)______neet you at The store? (b)at six o'clock a)should when i b)when should i c)i should when 9.when you have a cold,you have a cold,you ______ lots of water and get lots of rest. a)are should drink b)should driking c)should drink 10.(a)should fix the sink? (b)no,you_____the sink. a)shouldn't fix b)shouldn't fixing c)shouldn't to fix​


Verificación de expertos
4.2 (198 Votos)
Olivia Maria Elite · Tutor por 8 anos


Resposta: 1. b) shouldn't make2. c) should/shouldn't3. c) you should see4. c) what should i do5. a) should i put6. b) should i do7. a) shouldn't drive8. b) when should i9. c) should drink10. a) shouldn't fix