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medusa from greek mythology. medusa was once very beautiful and lived far in the north, where there was no sun. being very curious, she


Medusa from Greek mythology. Medusa was once very beautiful and lived far in the north, where there was no sun. Being very curious, she wanted to see the sun, and asked the Goddess Athena for permission to visit it in the south Athena refused to allow her to visit in the south Medusa was very angry and said that Athena was jealous of her beauty. Athena punished Medusa She turned her hair into snakes and made her very ugly.After that, every person who looked in to her eyes was transformed into stone.​


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4.1 (326 Votos)
Lola Elite · Tutor por 8 anos


Resposta: O texto conta a história de Medusa, um personagem da mitologia grega. Medusa era uma mulher de grande beleza que vivia longe ao norte, onde o sol não irradiava. Sua curiosidade pelo sol a fez pedir permissão para a deusa Atena para visitá-lo no sul, porém Atena recusou. Medusa então acusou Atena de estar com inveja de sua beleza, o que resultou em sua punição pela deusa. Atena transformou seu cabelo em serpentes e a tornou extremamente feia. Desde então, qualquer pessoa que a olhasse nos olhos seria transformada em pedra.