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7) (unitau) assinale a alternativa que corresponde a tradução mais adequada da expressão, em destaque, a seguir: você é a pessoa


7) (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a tradução mais adequada da expressão, em destaque, a seguir: Você é a pessoa MAIS INTERESSANTE que já conheci a) the more interesting b) the interestinger c) the most interesting d) the much interesting e) the best interesting 8) (CESGRANRIO)"The new generation of MT programs is less ambitious" is an example of comparative form Mark the item which also contains a comparative form: a) Of the four translations, I like this one best. b) That young boy behaves the most carelessly of all. c) This is the worst ice cream I've had in a long time. d) This is the least expensive computer that we have e) The airport is farther than the university. 9) (FEI) Indique a palavra que significa "mais forte": a) larger b) clearer c) higher d) better e) stronger


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4.5 (331 Votos)
Ana Célia Mestre · Tutor por 5 anos


7. c) the most interesting8. b) That young boy behaves the most carelessly of all.9. e) stronger


7. The question is asking for the correct translation of the phrase "Você é a pessoa MAIS INTERESSANTE que já conheci". The correct translation is "You are the most interesting person I have ever met". In English, when comparing an attribute among more than two entities, we use the superlative form of the adjective. The superlative form of "interesting" is "most interesting". Therefore, the correct answer is option c) "the most interesting".8. The question is asking to identify which of the given options also contains a comparative form. The comparative form is used to compare two entities. Option b) "That young boy behaves the most carelessly of all" is using the comparative form "most carelessly" to compare the boy's behavior with others. Therefore, the correct answer is option b).9. The question is asking for the translation of the word "mais forte". The correct translation is "stronger". Therefore, the correct answer is option e) "stronger".