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Convert 200USD to GYD If the Exchange Rate Is 1USD=210GYD 42,000 GYD 41,200 GYD 40,00 O GYD 35,000 GYD What Is the Simplified Form of


Convert 200USD to GYD if the exchange rate is 1USD=210GYD 42,000 GYD 41,200 GYD 40,00 O GYD 35,000 GYD What is the simplified form of 2a +4a ? 6a^wedge 2 C 6a 8a^wedge 2 8a


Verificación de expertos
3.4 (168 Votos)
Luciana Maria Profissional · Tutor por 6 anos


1. To convert $200 USD to GYD, we need to multiply the amount in USD by the exchange rate of 1 USD = 210 GYD. So, the correct answer is 42,000 GYD.2. To simplify the expression , we combine the like terms: So, the correct answer is .