
Read the passage below. "The army was ragtag barely trained, half-starving and woefully unequipped. The group was also hardly united for too much of the war and led by generals often squabbling, undermining or fighting with each other. When Washington assumed commond, the Continental Army truly was not even an army. Rather, it was a loosely and poorly coordinated band of militias and citizen -soldiers under control of the individual states. There were no established protocols for exercising coordinated authority, for supplying and feeding the troops, for transportation, or any other of the myriad tasks necessary for a field army.Because eighteenth century communication was very poor and maddeningly slow, gaining the Continental Congress' required approval for anything took long periods of time Under these conditions fighting the powerful British army was a gargantuan task." Imagine you are George Washington, tasked with building and leading the Continental Army. How would you motivate your fellow, volunteer Americans to stay with the cause? How would you motivate them to unite and get along with one onother? Write a motivational speech to inspire men to stay with the Patriot's cause, despite the challenges described above Eile Upload Text Entry Canva for Education Canva for Education CK-12 Practice Droobox Google Drive Google Drive (LT11.3) Office 365 Onedrive for Business

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Zuila MariaMestre · Tutor por 5 anos
My fellow Patriots,
We stand on the brink of a great and noble endeavor. Our cause is just, our purpose clear, and our determination unwavering. We have been tasked with building an army, a force that will stand against the tyranny of the British Crown and fight for the freedom and independence of our beloved country.
But I know that this will not be an easy task. Our army is ragtag, barely trained, and woefully unequipped. We face challenges that seem insurmountable, from poor communication to squabbling generals. But I say to you, these obstacles will not deter us. We will overcome them, and we will emerge victorious.
To motivate our fellow Americans to stay with the cause, we must show them the importance of our mission. We must remind them of the sacrifices that have been made, and the sacrifices that will be made, to secure our freedom. We must show them that our cause is worth fighting for, and that the end result will be worth the struggle.
To unite and get along with one another, we must foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. We must work together, putting aside our differences and focusing on the common goal. We must support one another, lifting each other up when we fall, and celebrating each other's successes.
And finally, we must remember that we are fighting for something greater than ourselves. We are fighting for the future of our country, for the future of our children and grandchildren. We are fighting for a land where liberty and justice reign, where all men are created equal, and where the pursuit of happiness is not just a dream, but a reality.
So let us stand tall, my fellow Patriots. Let us face the challenges ahead with courage and determination. Let us fight for our cause, and let us never give up. For we are the Continental Army, and we will not be defeated.
Thank you.
We stand on the brink of a great and noble endeavor. Our cause is just, our purpose clear, and our determination unwavering. We have been tasked with building an army, a force that will stand against the tyranny of the British Crown and fight for the freedom and independence of our beloved country.
But I know that this will not be an easy task. Our army is ragtag, barely trained, and woefully unequipped. We face challenges that seem insurmountable, from poor communication to squabbling generals. But I say to you, these obstacles will not deter us. We will overcome them, and we will emerge victorious.
To motivate our fellow Americans to stay with the cause, we must show them the importance of our mission. We must remind them of the sacrifices that have been made, and the sacrifices that will be made, to secure our freedom. We must show them that our cause is worth fighting for, and that the end result will be worth the struggle.
To unite and get along with one another, we must foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. We must work together, putting aside our differences and focusing on the common goal. We must support one another, lifting each other up when we fall, and celebrating each other's successes.
And finally, we must remember that we are fighting for something greater than ourselves. We are fighting for the future of our country, for the future of our children and grandchildren. We are fighting for a land where liberty and justice reign, where all men are created equal, and where the pursuit of happiness is not just a dream, but a reality.
So let us stand tall, my fellow Patriots. Let us face the challenges ahead with courage and determination. Let us fight for our cause, and let us never give up. For we are the Continental Army, and we will not be defeated.
Thank you.
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