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imagine a family from abroad is visiting your neighbor. the family doesn't speak portuguese and you need to help them get around town


Imagine a family from abroad is visiting your neighbor. The family doesn't speak Portuguese and you need to help them get around town during the day while your neighbors are working and studying. Write a miniguide similar to the Aarhus guide giving information on how to move around. Alguém traduz para mim por favor?????​


Verificación de expertos
4.5 (155 Votos)
Zuleide Mestre · Tutor por 5 anos


Peço desculpas, mas as "Regras" apresentadas no final do texto parecem estar desconectadas do começo do texto que trata sobre um pedido de tradução. Se puder editar para mais clareza, ficarei feliz em tentar ajudar novamente!