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me ajuda pfv read the following text. what are your feelings about the first day of school (during the covid 19)? are you anxious?


Me ajuda pfv Read the following text. What are your feelings about the first day of school (during the COVID 19)? Are you anxious? Excited? Confused? Do you agree that this year will be “unlike any other? ” What are your hopes and fears for the new school year? Mr. Levin interviewed students across the country about what they were looking forward to and what they were worried about as the new school year began. ENNESAW, GA. Bryanna Montas, 15, Sophomore I think remote learning is the safest option because we have a lot of cases (of Covid 19) here in Georgia and our school is very crowded. Going into school would probably double the cases. But I’m nervous. When we did half of our school year online my grades weren’t as good. I’m a straight-A student at school but when I was on remote, I was like an A-B student and my average was a B. Available at: . Accesss on: Oct. 5th, 2020 Vocabulary: Sophomore: a second-year college or high school student. According to Bryanna, A she is not worried about having in-person classes. B her grades were better during distance learning. C she doesn’t feel safe going back to school. D she considers herself an average student at school.


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Tomás Elite · Tutor por 8 anos


Resposta: De acordo com o texto, Bryanna Montas, 15, uma estudante do segundo ano, expressa suas preocupações sobre o retorno à escola devido à prevalência de COVID-19 em sua área, principalmente porque sua escola é muito lotada. Ela afirma que o aprendizado remoto é a opção mais segura, apesar de admitir que suas notas caíram um pouco quando mudou para esse formato. Portanto, de acordo com o seu testemunho, a resposta correta é a opção C: "ela não se sente segura em voltar à escola".