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answer the following. (a) find an angle between 0 and 2pi that is coterminal with (31pi )/(12) (b) find an angle between 0^circ and


Answer the following. (a) Find an angle between 0 and 2pi that is coterminal with (31pi )/(12) (b) Find an angle between 0^circ and 360^circ that is coterminal with 1000^circ Give exact values for your answers. (a) square radians (b) square ^circ


Verificación de expertos
4 (263 Votos)
Tiago Veterano · Tutor por 10 anos


(a) radians(b) 280°


1. Coterminal angles are angles in standard position (angles with the initial side on the positive x-axis) that have a common terminal side. To find a positive angle that is coterminal with a given angle, you can add or subtract multiples of (for radian measures) or 360° (for degree measures) until the result lies between 0 and or 0° and 360°, respectively.2. For part (a), the given angle is . To find an angle between 0 and that is coterminal with , we subtract (or ) from to get .3. For part (b), the given angle is 1000°. To find an angle between 0° and 360° that is coterminal with 1000°, we subtract multiples of 360° from 1000° until the result lies in the desired range. Subtracting 720° (which is 2 times 360°) from 1000° gives 280°, which is the required coterminal angle.