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4.1- considerando a seguinte frase responda: members of the kayapo tribe in brazil blocked a main highway through the amazon – bow


4.1- Considerando a seguinte frase responda: Members of the Kayapo tribe in Brazil blocked a main highway through the Amazon – bow and arrow in hand. Em que tempo verbal está a frase?    (   ) present simple      (   ) past simple Qual verbo justifica a sua resposta à pergunta n° 1? ______________________ Que tipo de verbo foi usado na frase ?      (    ) verbo regular    (    ) verbo irregular 5- SIMPLE PAST QUIZ:   a) I ______ English for two years.     (    ) studying           (    ) study            (    ) studied b) I _______ to São Paulo in 2019.      (    ) travel              (    ) traveled         (    ) traveling c) _____ Mike visit his grandmother last night?     (    ) Did                 (    ) Are                (    ) Does d) Alex did not _____ last weekend.     (    ) working         (    ) worked          (    ) work e) Bob ______ his Mom this morning.     (    ) calling           (    ) call                 (    ) called f) _______ the children ________ the drums last party?     (    ) Did / play      (     ) Are/ play        (    ) Did/ played g) Marcia ______ her parentes last weekend.     (    ) visits             (    ) visited             (    ) visiting ​


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4.1 (278 Votos)
Pietra Elite · Tutor por 8 anos


4.1: A frase está no past simple, justificado pelo verbo "blocked". Esse verbo é regular.5: a) I studied English for two years.b) I traveled to São Paulo in 2019.c) Did Mike visit his grandmother last night?d) Alex did not work last weekend.e) Bob called his Mom this morning.f) Did the children play the drums last party?g) Marcia visited her parents last weekend.