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ajuda mark the correct option for se sentence a) " ________________ her home after you pick her up at school." will bring not bring


AJUDA Mark the correct option for se sentence A) " ________________ her home after you pick her up at school." Will Bring Not bring Brings Are Bringing Bring B) " We _____________ her your message as soon as she __________ home." will give - comes give - come give - will come gave - will come giving - comes C) " When the neighbors _________ to visit tonight, _______ them I'm back from college." came - won't tell comes - not tell will come - tell come - don't tell come - will tell D)" By the time Helen ___________ her course next semester, she ________ a new job." finish - will search for will - finish - searches for is finishing - searches for finishing - search for finishes - will search for


Verificación de expertos
3.8 (266 Votos)
Wanda Mestre · Tutor por 5 anos


) "Bring her home after you pick her up at school."B) "We will give her your message as soon as she comes home."C) "When the neighbors come to visit tonight, tell them I'm back from college."D)" By the time Helen finishes her course next semester, she will search for a new job."