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complete o texto usando o passado dos verbos entre parênteses. it ............... (to be) a beautiful day. in the morning joão


Complete o texto usando o passado dos verbos entre parênteses. It ............... (to be) a beautiful day. In the morning João ............... (walk) to the park and ............... (play) basketball with his friends. After the game, they ............... (relax) and ...............(walk) back home. In the afternoon, João ............... (stay) at home. He ............... (study) Math and ............... (cook) dinner. After dinner, he ............... (watch) TV.​


Verificación de expertos
4.6 (276 Votos)
Olivia Mestre · Tutor por 5 anos


Resposta: A pergunta pede para completar um texto usando a forma passada dos verbos dados em parênteses. Aqui estão os verbos e suas formas no passado:1. to be - was2. walk - walked3. play - played4. relax - relaxed5. stay - stayed6. study - studied7. cook - cooked8. watch - watchedEntão o processo de preenchimento é feito substituindo os verbos entre parênteses por suas formas passadas. Veja o texto final:"It was a beautiful day. In the morning João walked to the park and played basketball with his friends. After the game, they relaxed and walked back home. In the afternoon, João stayed at home. He studied Math and cooked dinner. After dinner, he watched TV."