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1.complete os espaços com o passado do verbo to be was/were ou was not/ were not. a) a: ___________ you at home yesterday? b: yes, i


1.Complete os espaços com o passado do verbo TO BE was/were ou was not/ were not. a) A: ___________ you at home yesterday? B: Yes, I ________ b) They ___________ really happy after they won the football game. c) She___________ a college student last year. d) Thomas ___________ on the train at three-thirty yesterday afternoon. e) A: ___________ Jennifer tired after she finished work? B: No, she ___________. f)My car broke down, so I ___________ late for my appointment. g) A: ___________ Laura and Susan surprised? B: No, they ___________. h) It___________ delicious, so I ate three of them. i) A: ___________ you at the library yesterday? B: No, I ___________. j) It___________ really huge. k) I ___________ born in 1996. When ___________ you born? l)The movie we saw last night ___________ very funny. m)I ___________ a waiter last year, but I changed my job in September. n) We___________ on TV at eight o’clock last night. o) They ___________ the in class yesterday. ​


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4 (227 Votos)
Mirella Profissional · Tutor por 6 anos


Resposta: a) A: Were you at home yesterday? B: Yes, I was b) They were really happy after they won the football game. c) She was a college student last year. d) Thomas was on the train at three-thirty yesterday afternoon. e) A: Was Jennifer tired after she finished work? B: No, she was not. f) My car broke down, so I was late for my appointment. g) A: Were Laura and Susan surprised? B: No, they were not. h) It was delicious, so I ate three of them. i) A: Were you at the library yesterday? B: No, I was not. j) It was really huge. k) I was born in 1996. When were you born? l) The movie we saw last night was very funny. m) I was a waiter last year, but I changed my job in September. n) We were on TV at eight o’clock last night. o) They were in the class yesterday.