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1. complete com am, is ou are ice cream _____ great. the cats ______ on the tree. what _____ your telephone number? they ____ crazy


1. Complete com am, is ou are Ice cream _____ great. The cats ______ on the tree. What _____ your telephone number? They ____ crazy Elephants ______ strong Mum's dress ____ beautiful. She _____ a nice girl The book ____ on the desk 2. Complete com the, a ou an. a) Please pass me ___ bread b) My father has ____ headache. c) She is ____ attractive woman. d) There are many stars in ____ sky. e) They had ____ idea. f) Madrid is ______ capital of Spain. g) Do you have _____ pet? h) Whales live in ____ sea. i) There is _____ fly in my soup. j) I had ____ orange juice for lunch. k) This is ____ Atlantic Ocean l) That is ____ good place. m) Have you ever seen ____ alien? n) Sarah has ____ new boyfriend. o) She's ____ actress.


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4.4 (225 Votos)
Tayná Veterano · Tutor por 11 anos


Resposta: 1. Ice cream is great. The cats are on the tree. What is your telephone number? They are crazy. Elephants are strong. Mum's dress is beautiful. She is a nice girl. The book is on the desk.2. Please pass me the bread. My father has a headache. She is an attractive woman. There are many stars in the sky. They had an idea. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Do you have a pet? Whales live in the sea. There is a fly in my soup. I had an orange juice for lunch. This is the Atlantic Ocean. That is a good place. Have you ever seen an alien? Sarah has a new boyfriend. She's an actress. Dicas: Nos exercícios de preenchimento de lacunas com "am, is, are", é importante que você se lembre das regras de concordância em inglês: usa-se "am" quando o sujeito é "I", "is" quando o sujeito é singular (ele, ela, isso) e "are" quando o sujeito é plural (incluindo "you"). Para os exercícios de completar com "the, a, an", lembre-se que "a" e "an" são artigos indefinidos usados para se referir a algo não específico, enquanto "the" é um artigo definido usado para se referir a algo específico. A diferença entre "a" e "an" é que "a" é usado antes de palavras que começam com um som consonantal e "an" é usado antes de palavras que começam com som de vogal.