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read and rewrite the sentences changing the words in bold. a. we camped in the woods last week. __ b. she has insect bites on her mouth


READ AND REWRITE THE SENTENCES CHANGING THE WORDS IN BOLD. a. We camped in the woods last week. __ b. She has insect bites on her mouth and nose __ c. The wildlife in the forest is inspiring I'm amazed! __ d. I went to the campsite with my tent and my survival kit. __ e. They were camping in the woods when he lost his hiking boots. __


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4.2 (305 Votos)
David Profissional · Tutor por 6 anos


a. Na semana passada, acampamos na floresta.b. Ela tem picadas de insetos no rosto e no nariz.c. A vida selvagem na mata é inspiradora! Estou maravilhado!d. Fui para o acampamento com minha barraca e meu kit de sobrevivência.e. Eles estavam acampando na floresta quando ele perdeu suas botas de caminhada.