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1-The infographic is about: a) reading habits of Australian teenagers. b) reading habits of university students. c) digital devices used by teenagers. 2-The information in the infographic is based on: a) a newspaper article about teenagers. b) a research study involving academics from two universities. c) a book about the importance of reading. 3- Scan the infographic to find the percentages below: a) Teenagers that read at least fifteen minutes every day. b) Teenagers that prefer paper books. c) Teenagers that don't read on mobile phones despite having access to them. 4-Choose the best definition for an infographic. a) a large printed picture used for decoration. b) a graphical representation of a period of time, on which important events are marked. c) graphic visual representations of information, data , or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. 5- Observe the infographic again and check all the characteristics you can find in it. a) a title b) pictures c) long blocks of text d)numbers/percentages 6-Where can people usually find infographics?


1-The infographic is about:
a) reading habits of Australian teenagers.
b) reading habits of university students.
c) digital devices used by teenagers.
2-The information in the infographic is based on:
a) a newspaper article about teenagers.
b) a research study involving academics from two universities.
c) a book about the importance of reading.
3- Scan the infographic to find the percentages below:
a) Teenagers that read at least fifteen minutes every day.
b) Teenagers that prefer paper books.
c) Teenagers that don't read on mobile phones despite having access to them.
4-Choose the best definition for an infographic.
a) a large printed picture used for decoration.
b) a graphical representation of a period of time, on which important events
are marked.
c) graphic visual representations of information, data , or knowledge intended
to present information quickly and clearly.
5- Observe the infographic again and check all the characteristics you can find in
a) a title
b) pictures
c) long blocks of text
6-Where can people usually find infographics?

1-The infographic is about: a) reading habits of Australian teenagers. b) reading habits of university students. c) digital devices used by teenagers. 2-The information in the infographic is based on: a) a newspaper article about teenagers. b) a research study involving academics from two universities. c) a book about the importance of reading. 3- Scan the infographic to find the percentages below: a) Teenagers that read at least fifteen minutes every day. b) Teenagers that prefer paper books. c) Teenagers that don't read on mobile phones despite having access to them. 4-Choose the best definition for an infographic. a) a large printed picture used for decoration. b) a graphical representation of a period of time, on which important events are marked. c) graphic visual representations of information, data , or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. 5- Observe the infographic again and check all the characteristics you can find in it. a) a title b) pictures c) long blocks of text d)numbers/percentages 6-Where can people usually find infographics?


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NinaMestre · Tutor por 5 anos


1- A infografia é sobre:<br />a) hábitos de leitura de adolescentes australianos.<br />b) hábitos de leitura de estudantes universitários.<br />c) dispositivos digitais usados por adolescentes.<br />2- As informações na infografia são baseadas em:<br />a) um artigo de jornal sobre adolescentes.<br />b) um estudo de pesquisa envolvendo acadêmicos de duas universidades.<br />c) um livro sobre a importância da leitura.<br />3- Verifique a infografia para encontrar as porcentagens abaixo:<br />a) Adolescentes que leem pelo menos quinze minutos todos os dias.<br />b) Adolescentes que preferem livros em papel.<br />c) Adolescentes que não leem em telefones celulares, apesar de terem acesso a eles.<br />4- Escolha a melhor definição para uma infografia.<br />a) uma grande imagem impressa usada para decoração.<br />b) uma representação gráfica de um período de tempo, no qual eventos importantes são marcados.<br />c) representações visuais gráficas de informações, dados ou conhecimentos destinados a apresentar informações de forma rápida e clara.<br />5- Observe a infografia novamente e verifique todas as características que você pode encontrar nela.<br />a) um título<br />b) imagens<br />c) blocos longos de texto<br />d) números/percentagens<br />6- Onde as pessoas geralmente podem encontrar infográficos? <br /><br />As pessoas geralmente podem encontrar infográficos em sites de notícias, revistas, livros didáticos, apresentações de negócios e em redes sociais.
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