
A.Increase oil con sumption B. comp ession tig ht seal intend C. wear/s ratch/ the cylinder D. All B. From inward to out war d C. from upward to dowr ward D. None 10.If engin oil is not replaced in the service limit /pe riod/ of th e man ufacturer: A. Red uce oil con's umption B Abnormal operati on C. prolong the enging life D. reduce exhaust gas 11. When assembling the engine if the piston ring is inst alled upsid e down 9. Whe n installing the cylinder heac cylinder head bolt is tightened w th the sequence of: C. Up Side of the engine D.down side of the engine A. From out ward to inward C. wind vane D. None 8.The notch /groove/ in the piston is faced /di rected to the? A. Rear of the engir le B. front of the engine 7. When checking the therm ostat the opening temp erature is measured by: D. Telesc opic gauge A. The rmometer B. Microm eter 6. Piston ring end gap is m easured by: A. Fleer gauge B. dial gauge C. plasti c gauge ongate the asser nble time B. tor eplace parts easily C. to identify easi y D. All 12. Dur ing condu cting com oression test afte unscrew the spar k plug why we crank the engine before measur ing amour t of compression result? A. To warm up the engine B.To present oil film between the cylinder a nd piston to sea compression C.To accelerate the engine D.T o remove soot res idual 13. The sum of piston diameter and installed clearance in the cylinde is called? D piston groo ve A.Piston oval B.Cylinder volume C.Bore diameter 14. The main pur pose of checking /bringing/injection pump in the inje ction pur np tester is: A. To ) test : delivery timing B.test delivery volume C.To test both delivery timing and volume D.Ato mization 15.Opening pressure of inje ection nozzle is tested : A. By altering the coil spring of the tester B.By tightening the screv v to max imum spec ification o ftl ne manual C. By replacing the screw with the shim D. By replacin g the shim 16. When inspec ting cooling system if water - leaks through inspection hole of wate pump,wl hat would you do? A.Rep lace water pump bearing B .Replace water pump seal kit C.Ber nt wate r pump shaft D.Replace water pump 18. With an inte ference angle the valve would be faced at an angl e that is : A/10 greater tha seat angle B/ 1^0 less than sea angle C/the san ne as seat angle D/none B/ to clean valves 17 .Lapping is used to: A/ Pre vent con pression leakage D/ All C/ to pre vent oil flc w to c mbustion chamber 19.If the valve is groun d down so much that the margin is low the valve will: D/run to loose A/ run to hot B Run to cool C/ Rur to high 20. __ is the gr adual wearing of valve seat B/v alve seat recession A/valve faces C /interfe rence angle D/ none

4.5180 Voting

KarineVeterano · Tutor por 12 anos
10. If engine oil is not replaced in the service limit/period of the manufacturer:
D. reduce exhaust gas
11. When assembling the engine, if the piston ring is installed upside down:
C. wear/s scratch/ the cylinder
12. During conducting a compression test after unscrewing the spark plug, why do we crank the engine before measuring the amount of compression result?
B. To present oil film between the cylinder and piston to seal compression
13. The sum of piston diameter and installed clearance in the cylinder is called:
C. Bore diameter
14. The main purpose of checking/bringing the injection pump in the injection pump tester is:
C. To test both delivery timing and volume
15. Opening pressure of the injection nozzle is tested:
A. By altering the coil spring of the tester
16. When inspecting the cooling system if water leaks through the inspection hole of the water pump, what would you do?
B. Replace water pump seal kit
17. Lapping is used to:
D. All
18. With an interference angle, the valve would be faced at an angle that is:
B. 1° less than seat angle
19. If the valve is ground down so much that the margin is low, the valve will:
D. run to loose
20. __ is the gradual wearing of valve seat:
B. valve seat recession
D. reduce exhaust gas
11. When assembling the engine, if the piston ring is installed upside down:
C. wear/s scratch/ the cylinder
12. During conducting a compression test after unscrewing the spark plug, why do we crank the engine before measuring the amount of compression result?
B. To present oil film between the cylinder and piston to seal compression
13. The sum of piston diameter and installed clearance in the cylinder is called:
C. Bore diameter
14. The main purpose of checking/bringing the injection pump in the injection pump tester is:
C. To test both delivery timing and volume
15. Opening pressure of the injection nozzle is tested:
A. By altering the coil spring of the tester
16. When inspecting the cooling system if water leaks through the inspection hole of the water pump, what would you do?
B. Replace water pump seal kit
17. Lapping is used to:
D. All
18. With an interference angle, the valve would be faced at an angle that is:
B. 1° less than seat angle
19. If the valve is ground down so much that the margin is low, the valve will:
D. run to loose
20. __ is the gradual wearing of valve seat:
B. valve seat recession
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