
6. Read the text and answer the question. MARITIME ACCIDENTS Accidents on Tugboats Tugboats are those which help move huge ships to enter docks.They are small in nature but are powerful to ensure that the large vessels are handled safely.But sometimes because of the blockage of the visibility of tugboats by the larger vessels, maritime accidents occur.Also,human error on the part of the pilot of the tugboat can also lead to unwanted and unexpected tugboat mishaps. Accidents on Oil Tankers The major cause of accidents on tankers is explosions. Since the very nature of the materials these tankers transport is dangerous and highly flammable, even the most minor of explosions can cause enormous losses. According to statistics, one of the main reasons for oil tanker accidents occurring is because of workers'negligence - nearly 84-88% (Adapted from:https:/www marine-safety/1 2 -types-of-maritime -accidents/) Tn "Also, human error on the part of the pilot of the tugboat can also lead to unwanted and unexpected tugboat mishaps ", the word in bold expresses: a) Obligation. b) Suggestion. c)Prohibition. d) Possibility. e) Permission.

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AlessandroMestre · Tutor por 5 anos
resposta correta é a opção d) Possibilidade.
A palavra "also" no contexto da frase indica que há uma possibilidade adicional de ocorrerem acidentes com os barcos-tartarugas, além do bloqueio da visibilidade causado pelos navios maiores. Portanto, a palavra "also" expressa a possibilidade de que o erro humano do piloto do barco-tartaruga possa levar a acidentes indesejados e inesperados.
A palavra "also" no contexto da frase indica que há uma possibilidade adicional de ocorrerem acidentes com os barcos-tartarugas, além do bloqueio da visibilidade causado pelos navios maiores. Portanto, a palavra "also" expressa a possibilidade de que o erro humano do piloto do barco-tartaruga possa levar a acidentes indesejados e inesperados.
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