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The verb tenses in "...our population was growing faster, which suggested a more youthful and prosperous future..." are, respectively, (A) simple present and present perfect. (B) past continuous and simple past. (C) present perfect and simple present. (D) past perfect and simple past. (E) simple future and simple past.


The verb tenses in "...our population was growing faster, which suggested a more youthful and prosperous future..." are, respectively, (A) simple present and present perfect. (B) past continuous and simple past. (C) present perfect and simple present. (D) past perfect and simple past. (E) simple future and simple past.

The verb tenses in "...our population was growing faster, which suggested a more youthful and prosperous future..." are, respectively, (A) simple present and present perfect. (B) past continuous and simple past. (C) present perfect and simple present. (D) past perfect and simple past. (E) simple future and simple past.


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ZefaMestre · Tutor por 5 anos


【Resposta】: B<br />【Explicação】: No contexto em questão, os verbos estão no passado, o verb "was growing" é um exemplo de past continuous porque expressa ação que estava em progresso em um tempo específico no passado. "Suggested" mostra uma ação que ocorreu no passado, configurando assim o simples passado. Portanto, as escolhas verbais são respectivamente past continuous and simple past. Dentre as opções apresentadas, a única que possui esses dois tempos verbais é a alternativa (B).
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