
Convert the numbers to decimal form. 0.3 is written in decimal form. (24)/(100) written in decimal form is square 16% written in decimal form is square square Which number is greatest? square

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AlexandreProfissional · Tutor por 6 anos
To convert the numbers to decimal form, we need to follow these steps:
1. For the fraction \frac{24}{100}, we can simply divide the numerator by the denominator to get the decimal form.
\frac{24}{100} = 0.24
2. For the percentage 16\%, we can divide it by 100 to get the decimal form.
16\% = \frac{16}{100} = 0.16
Now, let's compare the three numbers:
- 0.3
- 0.24
- 0.16
Among these three numbers, 0.3 is the greatest.
Therefore, the answer is:
\frac{24}{100} written in decimal form is 0.24
16\% written in decimal form is 0.16
0.3 is the greatest number.
1. For the fraction \frac{24}{100}, we can simply divide the numerator by the denominator to get the decimal form.
\frac{24}{100} = 0.24
2. For the percentage 16\%, we can divide it by 100 to get the decimal form.
16\% = \frac{16}{100} = 0.16
Now, let's compare the three numbers:
- 0.3
- 0.24
- 0.16
Among these three numbers, 0.3 is the greatest.
Therefore, the answer is:
\frac{24}{100} written in decimal form is 0.24
16\% written in decimal form is 0.16
0.3 is the greatest number.
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