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Questão 2 HOW FAKE IMAGES CHANGE OUR MEMORY AND BEHAVIOUR For decades , researchers have been exploring just how unreliable our own memories are . Not only is memory fickle when we access it, but it's also quite easity subverted and rewritten. Combine this susceptibility with modern image-editing software at our fingertips like Photoshop, and it's recipe for disaster. In a world where we can witness news and world events as they unfold, fake images surround us, and our minds accept these pictures as real, and remember them later These fake memories don't just distort how we see our past , they affect our current and future behaviour too - from what we eat to how we protest and vote. The problem is there's virtually nothing we can do to stop it. Old memories seem to be the easiest to manipulate. In one study, subjects were showed images from their childhood. Along with real images, researchers snuck in manipulated photographs of the subject taking a hot-air balloon ride with his or her family. After seeing those images, 50% of subjects recalled some part of that hot-air balloon ride -though the event was entirely made up. EVELETH, R . Disponivel em: www Acesso em:16 jan. 2013 (adaptado) A reportagem apresenta consequências do uso de novas tecnologias para a mente humana. Nesse contexto, a memória das pessoas é influenciada pelo(a) alteração de imagens. B (b) exposição ao mundo virtual. C acesso a novas informações. D fascinio por softwares inovadores. E interferência dos meios de comunicação.


Questão 2
For decades , researchers have been exploring just how unreliable
our own memories are . Not only is memory fickle when we access
it, but it's also quite easity subverted and rewritten. Combine this
susceptibility with modern image-editing software at our fingertips
like Photoshop, and it's recipe for disaster. In a world where we can
witness news and world events as they unfold, fake images
surround us, and our minds accept these pictures as real, and
remember them later These fake memories don't just distort how
we see our past , they affect our current and future behaviour too -
from what we eat to how we protest and vote. The problem is
there's virtually nothing we can do to stop it.
Old memories seem to be the easiest to manipulate. In one study,
subjects were showed images from their childhood. Along with real
images, researchers snuck in manipulated photographs of the
subject taking a hot-air balloon ride with his or her family. After
seeing those images, 50%  of subjects recalled some part of that
hot-air balloon ride -though the event was entirely made up.
EVELETH, R . Disponivel em: www Acesso em:16 jan.
2013 (adaptado)
A reportagem apresenta consequências do uso de novas
tecnologias para a mente humana. Nesse contexto, a memória das
pessoas é influenciada pelo(a)
alteração de imagens.
B (b) exposição ao mundo virtual.
C acesso a novas informações.
D fascinio por softwares inovadores.
E interferência dos meios de comunicação.

Questão 2 HOW FAKE IMAGES CHANGE OUR MEMORY AND BEHAVIOUR For decades , researchers have been exploring just how unreliable our own memories are . Not only is memory fickle when we access it, but it's also quite easity subverted and rewritten. Combine this susceptibility with modern image-editing software at our fingertips like Photoshop, and it's recipe for disaster. In a world where we can witness news and world events as they unfold, fake images surround us, and our minds accept these pictures as real, and remember them later These fake memories don't just distort how we see our past , they affect our current and future behaviour too - from what we eat to how we protest and vote. The problem is there's virtually nothing we can do to stop it. Old memories seem to be the easiest to manipulate. In one study, subjects were showed images from their childhood. Along with real images, researchers snuck in manipulated photographs of the subject taking a hot-air balloon ride with his or her family. After seeing those images, 50% of subjects recalled some part of that hot-air balloon ride -though the event was entirely made up. EVELETH, R . Disponivel em: www Acesso em:16 jan. 2013 (adaptado) A reportagem apresenta consequências do uso de novas tecnologias para a mente humana. Nesse contexto, a memória das pessoas é influenciada pelo(a) alteração de imagens. B (b) exposição ao mundo virtual. C acesso a novas informações. D fascinio por softwares inovadores. E interferência dos meios de comunicação.


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AndersonElite · Tutor por 8 anos


reportagem apresenta consequências do uso de novas tecnologias para a mente humana. Nesse contexto, a memória das pessoas é influenciada pela alteração de imagens. Portanto, a resposta correta é:<br /><br />(a) alteração de imagens.
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