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What are they afraid of? Read the text and answer in your notebook xxx We, the peoples of the Amazon, are full of fear Soon you will be too <<<>><<>><<>><<>><<=>> x<>><<.>><<>>7 For many years we the indigenous leaders and peoples of the Amazon, have been warning you, our brothers who have brought so much damage to our forests. What you are doing will change the whole world and will destroy our home-and it will destroy your home too. [.] Only a generation ago, many of our tribes were fighting each other, but now we are together fighting together against our common enemy. And that common enemy is you the non- -indigenous peoples who have invaded our lands and are now burning even those small parts of the forests where we live that you have left for us When you dig for minerals you impale the heart of the Earth. And when you pour poisons on the land and into the rivers-chemicals from agriculture and mercury from gold mines -you weaken the spirits, the plants the animals and the land itself. When you weaken the land like that, it starts to die. If the land dies, if our Earth dies, then none of us will be able to live, and we too will all die () When you cut down the trees you assault the spirits of our ancestors. We all breathe this one air, we all drink the same water We live on this one planet. We need to protect the Earth. If we don't the big winds will come and destroy the forest Then you will feel the fear that we feel


What are they afraid of? Read the text and
answer in your notebook xxx
We, the peoples of the Amazon,
are full of fear Soon you will be too
<<<>><<>><<>><<>><<=>> x<>><<.>><<>>7
For many years we the indigenous
leaders and peoples of the Amazon, have
been warning you, our brothers who have
brought so much damage to our forests.
What you are doing will change the whole
world and will destroy our home-and it
will destroy your home too.
[.] Only a generation ago, many of
our tribes were fighting each other, but
now we are together fighting together
against our common enemy. And that
common enemy is you the non-
-indigenous peoples who have invaded
our lands and are now burning even
those small parts of the forests where
we live that you have left for us
When you dig for minerals you impale
the heart of the Earth. And when you
pour poisons on the land and into the
rivers-chemicals from agriculture and
mercury from gold mines -you weaken
the spirits, the plants the animals and
the land itself. When you weaken the
land like that, it starts to die. If the
land dies, if our Earth dies, then none
of us will be able to live, and we too
will all die
When you cut down the trees you
assault the spirits of our ancestors.
We all breathe this one air, we all
drink the same water We live on this
one planet. We need to protect the
Earth. If we don't the big winds will
come and destroy the forest
Then you will feel the fear that we feel

What are they afraid of? Read the text and answer in your notebook xxx We, the peoples of the Amazon, are full of fear Soon you will be too <<<>><<>><<>><<>><<=>> x<>><<.>><<>>7 For many years we the indigenous leaders and peoples of the Amazon, have been warning you, our brothers who have brought so much damage to our forests. What you are doing will change the whole world and will destroy our home-and it will destroy your home too. [.] Only a generation ago, many of our tribes were fighting each other, but now we are together fighting together against our common enemy. And that common enemy is you the non- -indigenous peoples who have invaded our lands and are now burning even those small parts of the forests where we live that you have left for us When you dig for minerals you impale the heart of the Earth. And when you pour poisons on the land and into the rivers-chemicals from agriculture and mercury from gold mines -you weaken the spirits, the plants the animals and the land itself. When you weaken the land like that, it starts to die. If the land dies, if our Earth dies, then none of us will be able to live, and we too will all die () When you cut down the trees you assault the spirits of our ancestors. We all breathe this one air, we all drink the same water We live on this one planet. We need to protect the Earth. If we don't the big winds will come and destroy the forest Then you will feel the fear that we feel


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ThiagoProfissional · Tutor por 6 anos


The text expresses the fear of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon regarding the destruction of their home and the potential consequences for the entire world. They are afraid of the environmental damage caused by deforestation, mining activities, and pollution, which they believe will not only harm their own way of life but also have global implications. The text emphasizes the interconnectedness of all people and the need to protect the Earth in order to avoid catastrophic consequences.
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