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Read the situation below, reflect on the case, and write a paragraph to express your opinion. In a recent international forum on climate change, leaders announced an unconventional initiative: the most important annual summit would no longer be held in person. In turn, it would be exclusively in the metaverse. The decision would dramatically reduce the carbon footprint from international flights and other travel-related emissions. Supporters approved the innovative approach emphasizing the metaverse's potentia I to carry out immersive meetings without compromising sustainability. Critics , however, expressed deep concerns. They jumped to the conclusion that the move would authenticate a depreciation of critical global issues by referring to them as a "virtual game."real-world interactions to the metaverse a forward-thinking solution or a dangerous oversimplification?What's your stance?


Read the situation below, reflect on the case, and write a paragraph to express your opinion.
In a recent international forum on climate change, leaders announced an unconventional
initiative: the most important annual summit would no longer be held in person. In turn, it would
be exclusively in the metaverse. The decision would dramatically reduce the carbon footprint
from international flights and other travel-related emissions. Supporters approved the innovative
approach emphasizing the metaverse's potentia I to carry out immersive meetings without
compromising sustainability. Critics , however, expressed deep concerns. They jumped to the
conclusion that the move would authenticate a depreciation of critical global issues by referring
to them as a "virtual game."real-world interactions to the metaverse a forward-thinking
solution or a dangerous oversimplification?What's your stance?

Read the situation below, reflect on the case, and write a paragraph to express your opinion. In a recent international forum on climate change, leaders announced an unconventional initiative: the most important annual summit would no longer be held in person. In turn, it would be exclusively in the metaverse. The decision would dramatically reduce the carbon footprint from international flights and other travel-related emissions. Supporters approved the innovative approach emphasizing the metaverse's potentia I to carry out immersive meetings without compromising sustainability. Critics , however, expressed deep concerns. They jumped to the conclusion that the move would authenticate a depreciation of critical global issues by referring to them as a "virtual game."real-world interactions to the metaverse a forward-thinking solution or a dangerous oversimplification?What's your stance?


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GeovanaEspecialista · Tutor por 3 anos


Na minha opinião, a transição para o metaverse para realizar encontros internacionais é uma solução inovadora e promissora para reduzir o impacto ambiental das viagens. A ideia de utilizar a realidade virtual para criar ambientes imersivos e interativos para discussões e negociações é revolucionária e tem o potencial de transformar a forma como nos comunicamos e colaboramos em nível global. Além de diminuir significativamente as emissões de carbono, a adoção do metaverse pode ampliar o acesso a esses eventos, permitindo que pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo participem sem barreiras geográficas. No entanto, é importante garantir que essa transição não simplifique demais questões complexas e que a essência das interações humanas seja preservada. A integração do metaverse na luta contra as mudanças climáticas é um passo positivo, mas deve ser acompanhada de ações concretas para mitigar os impactos ambientais.
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