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Identify the complete subject and the complete predicate In the following sentence. The meeting began promptly at seven o'clock. complete subject square to the meeting the meeting began promptly began promptly at seven o'clock the meeting began


Identify the complete subject and the complete predicate In the following sentence.
The meeting began promptly at seven o'clock.
complete subject
the meeting
the meeting began promptly
began promptly at seven o'clock
the meeting began

Identify the complete subject and the complete predicate In the following sentence. The meeting began promptly at seven o'clock. complete subject square to the meeting the meeting began promptly began promptly at seven o'clock the meeting began


expert verifiedVerification of experts
4.3294 Voting
LucasVeterano · Tutor por 10 anos


The complete subject in the sentence "The meeting began promptly at seven o'clock" is "The meeting."<br /><br />The complete predicate in the sentence "The meeting began promptly at seven o'clock" is "began promptly at seven o'clock."
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