
a) Define the following terms: i.Information literacy ii. Open access b) Using relevant examples explain FOUR characteristics of information. c) Write an in-text citation and a reference for the following item:Role of Personali Determining Value Judgements Authors:Maxine Renee Shaw.Jonathan [. Speaks Kathleen M .Neal Publication Journal of Applied Psychology Volume No.:75 Date Publis 1999 Page Numbers: 558-577 d) Explain the connection between information literacy and lifelong learning (4 Marks) (4 Marks) e) Describe FOUR competencies of an information -literate individual (8 Marks) f) What do you understand by academic dishonesty and what possible consequences arise fr it? (4 Marks g) Using illustrations show the implications of ANY TWO Boolean Operators on search resu (4 Marks) SECTION B - ANSWEI RANY TWO (2) Ql JESTIONS (Carries 40 Marks) QUESTION 2:20 MARKS a) What is the difference between the visible and the invisible Web? b) What is a search strategy and what role does it play in the success of a search? (4 (2 Marks) c) Using examples describe and explain how the following retrieval tools are used (14 Marks) i. Abstracts ii. Index (1 Mark (1 Marks (4 Marks)

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JosiElite · Tutor por 8 anos
a) Definitions:
i. Information literacy: The ability to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information for problem-solving, decision-making, and learning.
ii. Open access: The free and unrestricted availability of scholarly research and publications on the internet, allowing anyone to access and use the content without any restrictions.
b) Four characteristics of information:
1. Accuracy: Information should be correct, precise, and free from errors.
2. Relevance: Information should be pertinent to the topic or question at hand.
3. Timeliness: Information should be up-to-date and reflect the most recent developments or changes.
4. Completeness: Information should provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
c) In-text citation and reference:
In-text citation: (Shaw, Speaks, & Neal, 1999)
Reference: Shaw, M. R., Speaks, J. L., & Neal, K. M. (1999). Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, pp. 558-577.
d) Connection between information literacy and lifelong learning:
Information literacy is essential for lifelong learning as it enables individuals to continuously acquire new knowledge, skills, and competencies throughout their lives. By being able to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information, individuals can engage in self-directed learning, adapt to changing environments, and make informed decisions.
e) Four competencies of an information-literate individual:
1. Information seeking: The ability to identify the information needed and determine the best strategies to locate it.
2. Information evaluation: The ability to assess the credibility, reliability, and relevance of information sources.
3. Information use: The ability to effectively apply and integrate information into decision-making and problem-solving processes.
4. Information communication: The ability to convey information clearly and effectively through various channels.
f) Academic dishonesty and consequences:
Academic dishonesty refers to any form of cheating, plagiarism, or deception in academic settings. Possible consequences include disciplinary actions, academic penalties, damage to reputation, and legal implications.
g) Implications of Boolean Operators on search results:
1. AND: Narrows the search results by combining terms, ensuring that all terms are present in the search results.
Example: "climate change AND policy" will retrieve documents containing both "climate change" and "policy."
2. OR: Broadens the search results by including documents containing either term.
Example: "climate change OR global warming" will retrieve documents containing either "climate change" or "global warming."
a) Visible Web: The part of the web that is indexed by search engines and can be accessed through standard search tools. Invisible Web: The part of the web that is not indexed by search engines and requires specific tools or techniques to access.
b) Search strategy: A systematic approach to conducting a search, involving the selection of keywords, the use of Boolean operators, and the evaluation of search results. It plays a crucial role in the success of a search by ensuring that relevant information is found efficiently.
i. Abstracts: A brief summary of a document, typically found at the beginning, providing an overview of the content, methodology, and findings. Abstracts help users quickly determine the relevance of a document to their search.
ii. Index: An organized list of terms or concepts and their corresponding page numbers or locations within a document. Indexes allow users to locate specific information within a large document or collection of documents.
i. Information literacy: The ability to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information for problem-solving, decision-making, and learning.
ii. Open access: The free and unrestricted availability of scholarly research and publications on the internet, allowing anyone to access and use the content without any restrictions.
b) Four characteristics of information:
1. Accuracy: Information should be correct, precise, and free from errors.
2. Relevance: Information should be pertinent to the topic or question at hand.
3. Timeliness: Information should be up-to-date and reflect the most recent developments or changes.
4. Completeness: Information should provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
c) In-text citation and reference:
In-text citation: (Shaw, Speaks, & Neal, 1999)
Reference: Shaw, M. R., Speaks, J. L., & Neal, K. M. (1999). Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, pp. 558-577.
d) Connection between information literacy and lifelong learning:
Information literacy is essential for lifelong learning as it enables individuals to continuously acquire new knowledge, skills, and competencies throughout their lives. By being able to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information, individuals can engage in self-directed learning, adapt to changing environments, and make informed decisions.
e) Four competencies of an information-literate individual:
1. Information seeking: The ability to identify the information needed and determine the best strategies to locate it.
2. Information evaluation: The ability to assess the credibility, reliability, and relevance of information sources.
3. Information use: The ability to effectively apply and integrate information into decision-making and problem-solving processes.
4. Information communication: The ability to convey information clearly and effectively through various channels.
f) Academic dishonesty and consequences:
Academic dishonesty refers to any form of cheating, plagiarism, or deception in academic settings. Possible consequences include disciplinary actions, academic penalties, damage to reputation, and legal implications.
g) Implications of Boolean Operators on search results:
1. AND: Narrows the search results by combining terms, ensuring that all terms are present in the search results.
Example: "climate change AND policy" will retrieve documents containing both "climate change" and "policy."
2. OR: Broadens the search results by including documents containing either term.
Example: "climate change OR global warming" will retrieve documents containing either "climate change" or "global warming."
a) Visible Web: The part of the web that is indexed by search engines and can be accessed through standard search tools. Invisible Web: The part of the web that is not indexed by search engines and requires specific tools or techniques to access.
b) Search strategy: A systematic approach to conducting a search, involving the selection of keywords, the use of Boolean operators, and the evaluation of search results. It plays a crucial role in the success of a search by ensuring that relevant information is found efficiently.
i. Abstracts: A brief summary of a document, typically found at the beginning, providing an overview of the content, methodology, and findings. Abstracts help users quickly determine the relevance of a document to their search.
ii. Index: An organized list of terms or concepts and their corresponding page numbers or locations within a document. Indexes allow users to locate specific information within a large document or collection of documents.
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