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Exercise Leiam o texto / read the text Xavier is an intelligent guy and he plans to go to medical school. He thinks he may get a better job when he graduates. At the moment, Xavier is working at a supermarket and he can't pay for his studies or buy books, so he should try to get into a public college. Xavier is the oldest child and he feels he must do something to help his younger brothers and sisters as he already noticed they will need his support. Xavier is brave, determined and doesn't complain about life because he knows that things could be worse than they are now. 1. Traduza a parte em negrito do texto.


Leiam o texto / read the text
Xavier is an intelligent guy and he plans to go to medical school. He
thinks he may get a better job when he graduates. At the moment, Xavier
is working at a supermarket and he can't pay for his studies or buy books,
so he should try to get into a public college. Xavier is the oldest child and he
feels he must do something to help his younger brothers and sisters as he
already noticed they will need his support. Xavier is brave, determined and
doesn't complain about life because he knows that things could be worse than
they are now.
1. Traduza a parte em negrito do texto.

Exercise Leiam o texto / read the text Xavier is an intelligent guy and he plans to go to medical school. He thinks he may get a better job when he graduates. At the moment, Xavier is working at a supermarket and he can't pay for his studies or buy books, so he should try to get into a public college. Xavier is the oldest child and he feels he must do something to help his younger brothers and sisters as he already noticed they will need his support. Xavier is brave, determined and doesn't complain about life because he knows that things could be worse than they are now. 1. Traduza a parte em negrito do texto.


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Luciana MariaProfissional · Tutor por 6 anos


Xavier é um cara inteligente e ele planeja ir à escola de medicina. Ele acha que pode conseguir um emprego melhor quando se formar. No momento, Xavier está trabalhando em um supermercado e não pode pagar por seus estudos ou comprar livros, então ele deve tentar entrar em uma faculdade pública. Xavier é o maior dos filhos e ele se sente obrigado a fazer algo para ajudar seus irmãos e irmãs menores, pois já percebeu que eles precisarão do seu apoio. Xavier é corajoso, determinado e não reclama da vida porque ele sabe que as coisas podem ser piores do que estão agora.
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