
42. (Unicamp-SP) Texto 1 Desponivel em: <https/ Acesso em 28 maio 2018 Texto 2 "Acho que só devemos ler a espécie de livros que nos feren e trespassam. Um livre tem que ser como um machado para quebrar o mar de gelo do bom senso e da casa comum". Adaptado de Franz Kafka, carta o Scro Pollak, 1904 Disponivel em: <https:/>. Acesso em: 28 maio 2018. Assinale o excerto que confirma os dois textos anteriores. a) A leitura é, fundamentalmente, processo político. Aqueles que formam leitores - professores, bibliotecários - desempenham um papel político. (Maria Lajojo, A formação do leitor no Brasil. São Paulo: Ática, 1996, p. 28) b) Pelo que sabemos, quando há um esforço real de igualitarização, há aumento sensível do hábito de leitura, e portanto difusão crescente das obras. (Antonio Candido, Vários escritos. Sāo Paulo: Duss cidades, 2004, p. 187). c) Ler é abrir janelas; construir pontes que ligam o que somos com o que tantos outros imaginariam, pensaram, escrevarem; ler é fazer-no respondidas. (Gilberto Gil, Discurso no lançamento do Año bero-Amenico da Leitura, 2004.) d) A leitura é uma forma servil de sonhar. Se tendo ao sonhar, por que não sohará os meus próprios sonhos? (Fernando Pessoa, Páginas intimas e de auto-interpretação. São Paulo: Atica, 1966, p. 23)

4.1311 Voting

SarahMestre · Tutor por 5 anos
### c) Ler é abrir janelas; construir pontes que ligam o que somos com o que tantos outros imaginariam, pensaram, escreveram; ler é fazer-nos respondidas. (Gilberto Gil, Discurso no lançamento do Año Ibero-Americano da Leitura, 2004.)
## Step 1: Analyze the Quotes in Texts 1 and 2
### Both texts emphasize the transformative power of reading. Text 1 humorously contrasts reading with using an axe to open a person's mind, recommending literature (specifically Assis) as the preferred method. Text 2, by Kafka, suggests that books should be impactful, like an axe breaking through ice, implying that reading should challenge and provoke thought.
## Step 2: Evaluate Each Option Against the Themes
### - **Option A** discusses the political aspect of reading and the role of educators, which does not directly align with the metaphorical impact described in the quotes.
### - **Option B** talks about equalization efforts increasing reading habits, focusing on accessibility rather than the transformative nature of reading.
### - **Option C** describes reading as opening windows and building bridges, connecting readers to new ideas and perspectives, aligning well with the idea of reading being a powerful, mind-opening experience.
### - **Option D** presents reading as a form of dreaming, which is more passive and does not capture the active, challenging nature suggested by the quotes.
## Step 3: Select the Best Matching Option
### Option C best reflects the essence of both quotes, emphasizing the expansive and transformative potential of reading, akin to opening one's mind or breaking through barriers.
### Both texts emphasize the transformative power of reading. Text 1 humorously contrasts reading with using an axe to open a person's mind, recommending literature (specifically Assis) as the preferred method. Text 2, by Kafka, suggests that books should be impactful, like an axe breaking through ice, implying that reading should challenge and provoke thought.
## Step 2: Evaluate Each Option Against the Themes
### - **Option A** discusses the political aspect of reading and the role of educators, which does not directly align with the metaphorical impact described in the quotes.
### - **Option B** talks about equalization efforts increasing reading habits, focusing on accessibility rather than the transformative nature of reading.
### - **Option C** describes reading as opening windows and building bridges, connecting readers to new ideas and perspectives, aligning well with the idea of reading being a powerful, mind-opening experience.
### - **Option D** presents reading as a form of dreaming, which is more passive and does not capture the active, challenging nature suggested by the quotes.
## Step 3: Select the Best Matching Option
### Option C best reflects the essence of both quotes, emphasizing the expansive and transformative potential of reading, akin to opening one's mind or breaking through barriers.
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