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34)(ESA) The plural form of the sentence "the thief is threatening the child with a knife" is: a) The thiefs are threatening the childs with knives. b) The thieves are threatening the childs with knives. c) The thieves are threatening the children with knives. d) The thiefs are threatening the children with knives. e) The thieves is threatening the children with knives. 35) (EEAR) Choose the alternative that indicates the plural of the words fish, life , woman. a) Fishes, lifes, woman. b) Fishs, lives, woman c) Fish, lives, women. d) Fish, lifes, women. 36)(ESFCEX) As far as the teaching of standard English is concerned, the pluralization of the underlined noun is only acceptable in alternative: a) An economy-class passenger is entitled to no more than two baggages per flight. b) The police have found no evidences of the young man's involvement with the victim c) Manned journeys to space have been temporarily interrupted due to lack of resources d) Excessive informations can hinder rather than help comprehension of a complex topic e) His specialty is the design of sustainable furnitures made of natural materials


34)(ESA) The plural form of the sentence "the thief is
threatening the child with a knife" is:
a) The thiefs are threatening the childs with knives.
b) The thieves are threatening the childs with knives.
c) The thieves are threatening the children with knives.
d) The thiefs are threatening the children with knives.
e) The thieves is threatening the children with knives.
35) (EEAR) Choose the alternative that indicates the plural of
the words fish, life , woman.
a) Fishes, lifes, woman.
b) Fishs, lives, woman
c) Fish, lives, women.
d) Fish, lifes, women.
36)(ESFCEX) As far as the teaching of standard English is
concerned, the pluralization of the underlined noun is only
acceptable in alternative:
a) An economy-class passenger is entitled to no more than
two baggages per flight.
b) The police have found no evidences of the young man's
involvement with the victim
c) Manned journeys to space have been temporarily
interrupted due to lack of resources
d) Excessive informations can hinder rather than help
comprehension of a complex topic
e) His specialty is the design of sustainable furnitures made of
natural materials

34)(ESA) The plural form of the sentence "the thief is threatening the child with a knife" is: a) The thiefs are threatening the childs with knives. b) The thieves are threatening the childs with knives. c) The thieves are threatening the children with knives. d) The thiefs are threatening the children with knives. e) The thieves is threatening the children with knives. 35) (EEAR) Choose the alternative that indicates the plural of the words fish, life , woman. a) Fishes, lifes, woman. b) Fishs, lives, woman c) Fish, lives, women. d) Fish, lifes, women. 36)(ESFCEX) As far as the teaching of standard English is concerned, the pluralization of the underlined noun is only acceptable in alternative: a) An economy-class passenger is entitled to no more than two baggages per flight. b) The police have found no evidences of the young man's involvement with the victim c) Manned journeys to space have been temporarily interrupted due to lack of resources d) Excessive informations can hinder rather than help comprehension of a complex topic e) His specialty is the design of sustainable furnitures made of natural materials


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FátimaVeterano · Tutor por 10 anos


【Explicação】: Essas perguntas testam o conhecimento do plural em inglês. <br />34) A sentença correta precisa ter singular mudado para plural corretamente: 'thief' deve ser 'thieves', 'child' deve ser 'children', 'knife' deve ser 'knives'. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a alternativa c. O plural de 'thief' é 'thieves' não 'thiefs'; 'child' é irregular e torna-se 'children', não 'childs'; 'knife' torna-se 'knives' e não é 'knifes'.<br />35) A alternativa correta deve apresentar 'fish', 'life', e 'woman' no plural da maneira certa: 'fish' permanece 'fish', 'life' se torna 'lives', e 'woman' se torna 'women'. Apenas a alternativa c preenche todas essas condições corretamente.<br />36) A pergunta nº 36 pede a alternativa em que o plural do substantivo sublinhado é aceitável. Cada alternativa contém um erro de pluralização, exceto para alternativa c onde 'journeys' é a forma correta do plural da palavra 'journey'. As alternativas a, b, d e e contêm erros: respectivamente, 'baggages' (deve ser 'baggage'), 'evidences' (deve ser 'evidence'), 'informations' (deve ser 'information') e 'furnitures' (deve ser 'furniture'). Todas essas palavras que estão erradas são substantivos incontáveis que não possuem forma plural.<br /><br />【Resposta】: 34. c) The thieves are threatening the children with knives.<br />35. c) Fish, lives, women.<br />36. c) Manned journeys to space have been temporarily interrupted due to lack of resources.
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