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July, 30th, 2024 1. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente Big and Good. a) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best b) Big/ The Bigger//Best/ The best c) Bigger/ The Biggest //Best/ The best d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best 1 2. Complete a frase "The more we looked at your bedroom, __ we liked it." a) better b) the less c) most d) the best 1 3. (FMU) Complete a frase: "That table is __ than this one." a) long b) more long c) longest d) longer 1 4. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palawas, respectivamente: Large and Small. a) Larger/The largest//Smaller/The Smallest b) Largger/The larger// Smaler/The Smallest c) Larger/The larggest// Smaler/The Smalest d) Largger/The largest// Smaller/The Smalest 1 5. (PUC) Complete a frase: "Papyrus was used __ than paper." a) early b) earlier c) more early d) earlyer e) earliest


July, 30th, 2024
1. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente Big
and Good.
a) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best
b) Big/ The Bigger//Best/ The best
c) Bigger/ The Biggest //Best/ The best
d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best 1
2. Complete a frase "The more we looked at your bedroom, __ we liked it."
a) better
b) the less
c) most
d) the best 1
3. (FMU) Complete a frase: "That table is __ than this one."
a) long
b) more long
c) longest
d) longer 1
4. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palawas, respectivamente:
Large and Small.
a) Larger/The largest//Smaller/The Smallest
b) Largger/The larger// Smaler/The Smallest
c) Larger/The larggest// Smaler/The Smalest
d) Largger/The largest// Smaller/The Smalest 1
5. (PUC) Complete a frase: "Papyrus was used __ than paper."
a) early
b) earlier
c) more early
d) earlyer
e) earliest

July, 30th, 2024 1. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente Big and Good. a) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best b) Big/ The Bigger//Best/ The best c) Bigger/ The Biggest //Best/ The best d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best 1 2. Complete a frase "The more we looked at your bedroom, __ we liked it." a) better b) the less c) most d) the best 1 3. (FMU) Complete a frase: "That table is __ than this one." a) long b) more long c) longest d) longer 1 4. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palawas, respectivamente: Large and Small. a) Larger/The largest//Smaller/The Smallest b) Largger/The larger// Smaler/The Smallest c) Larger/The larggest// Smaler/The Smalest d) Largger/The largest// Smaller/The Smalest 1 5. (PUC) Complete a frase: "Papyrus was used __ than paper." a) early b) earlier c) more early d) earlyer e) earliest


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WanessaVeterano · Tutor por 12 anos


1. A resposta correta é a opção d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best. "Bigger" é o comparativo de "big", e "The Biggest" é o superlativo de "big". "Better" é o comparativo de "good", e "The best" é o superlativo de "good".<br />2. A resposta correta é a opção a) better. A frase completa seria: "The more we looked at your bedroom, the better we liked it." "Better" é o comparativo de "good", e indica uma melhoria ou preferência.<br />3. A resposta correta é a opção c) longest. A frase completa seria: "That table is longer than this one." "Longest" é o superlativo de "long", e indica a maior extensão entre as duas opções.<br />4. A resposta correta é a opção a) Larger/The largest // Smaller/The smallest. "Larger" é o comparativo de "large", e "The largest" é o superlativo de "large". "Smaller" é o comparativo de "small", e "The smallest" é o superlativo de "small".<br />5. A resposta correta é a opção b) earlier. A frase completa seria: "Papyrus was used earlier than paper." "Earlier" é o comparativo de "early", e indica uma data ou período anterior.
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