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Nas próximas questões marque a alternativa que complete as frases corretamente na forma negativa. 1 Mark __________ at work las week. * A) not was B) was not C) not were D) were not 2 She __________ any money. * A) did had not B) did have not C) did not have D) did not had 3 We __________ the show. * A) did enjoy not B) did not enjoyed C) did enjoyed not D) did not enjoy​


Nas próximas questões marque a alternativa que complete as frases corretamente na forma negativa. 1 Mark __________ at work las week. * A) not was B) was not C) not were D) were not 2 She __________ any money. * A) did had not B) did have not C) did not have D) did not had 3 We __________ the show. * A) did enjoy not B) did not enjoyed C) did enjoyed not D) did not enjoy​


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4.3302 Voting
KauêProfissional · Tutor por 6 anos


Resposta: 1. B) was not 2. C) did not have 3. D) did not enjoy​
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