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Revenues - Expenses=? net income liabilities depreciation net worth


Revenues - Expenses=?
net income
net worth

Revenues - Expenses=? net income liabilities depreciation net worth


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EltonProfissional · Tutor por 6 anos


The correct answer is net income.<br /><br />Explanation:<br />The formula for calculating net income is:<br /><br />Net Income = Revenues - Expenses<br /><br />Where:<br />- Revenues refer to the total amount of money earned by a business during a specific period.<br />- Expenses refer to the total amount of money spent by the business during that same period.<br /><br />By subtracting the total expenses from the total revenues, we can determine the net income, which represents the profit or loss generated by the business during that time frame.<br /><br />The other options are not correct:<br /><br />- Liabilities are the debts and obligations of a business, not the net income.<br />- Depreciation is the gradual wear and tear of assets, not the net income.<br />- Net worth is the total value of a business's assets minus its liabilities, not the net income.<br /><br />Therefore, the correct answer is net income.
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