Ajuda para tarefas de saúde pública
A ajuda em tarefas de saúde pública é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem em saúde pública projetada para ajudar estudantes e profissionais a concluir melhor as tarefas relacionadas à saúde pública. O programa oferece uma variedade de recursos de aprendizagem em saúde pública, incluindo materiais de curso, trabalhos de pesquisa, tutoriais em vídeo, etc., para ajudar os alunos a compreender melhor vários aspectos da saúde pública.
Além disso, a plataforma oferece uma variedade de utilitários, como calculadoras, consultas de banco de dados, análise de mapas, etc., para ajudar os alunos a concluir suas tarefas com mais eficiência. O ajudante de lição de casa de saúde pública também oferece uma comunidade de comunicação on-line onde os alunos podem compartilhar experiências e recursos com outros profissionais de saúde pública para melhorar a conscientização e a competência em saúde pública.
- Com tantos conhecimentos sobre os diversos recursos tecnológicos descobe Tempo restante 0:56:03 padece com mortes significativamente relevantes decorrentes da diarreia, déviao as conargoes ambientais e de privações salutares em que vivem as crianças. É uma doença facilmente evitável, quando os ambientes de exposição da criança recebem atenções de saúde públicas adequadas (WHO, 2017). De acordo com o tema leia as afirmativas e assinale a correta: I. Diarreia é a alteração do conteúdo líquido das fezes , devido à disfunção intestinal, com perdas excessivas de nutrientes principalmente água e eletrólitos, traduzindo um desequilibrio entre OS processos de absorção e secreção do intestino. II. Geralmente, a diarreia é acompanhada de aumento da frequência aumento do volume e da diminuição da consistência das fezes. III. Algumas variáveis poderão estar presentes, dependendo da causa, c como vômito, dor abdominal, febre, presença de sangue, muco ou pus podendo levar à desidratação e consequentemente, à morte. Escolha uma opção:
- Questão 2 A deposição anormal de sais de cálcio nos tecidos pode levar a disfunções graves nos órgãos aftetados. Considerando a calcificaçion patologica, diferencie a calcfordin den suas causas e efeitos nos tecidos.
- OOKLET CODE: 012 SUBJECT CODE: 02 who is prosition possible transmission of infections due to unsafe vaccinations to What is the most important precaution that the nurse implement primarily to meet her goal? (A) Avoid reuse of needles (C) Avoid touching the needle (A) Avoid recapping of needles (D) Avoid injecting at the incorrect site the cold chain temperature of the vaccine has fallen below O'C for five A nurse found that storage and checked some freeze sensitive The shake test was performed using the "TEST vial and FROZEN"vial. What is the most likely condition to determine the vaccine is safe to use? 1) If sedimentation is similar in both vials If the TEST vial sedimens are slower than the FROZEN vial ) If the TEST vial sediments are faster than the FROZEN vial If there is no sedimentation in the TEST vial.but in the FROZEN vial nine-month-old child is brought to the immunization clinic for vaccination. The nurse cked that the child has taken all previous doses before giving the present dose. Then, the se gives measles vaccine and appointed the mother for the next dose. it is the most likely vaccine to be provided in the next schedule? Measles (C) Tetanus toxoid Pertusis (D) H.inflenza type b other of a school age child came to a hospital to consult the nurse about the development child. The nurse asked the mother about the behavioral indicators of development and cted that the child may have attention-deficit disorder. could be the most likely indicator for the nurse's suspicion? mpulsivity in school (C) Sitting in class for long time ver engagement in tasks (D) Impairments in communication -year-old child is brought to the well-baby clinic due to poor communication skill.On nent, the child is found to have poor social interaction and the nurse suspected that the autistic. the most appropriate management for this child? chosocial intervention vise the mother for stimulants ise the mother for antipsychotics ise the mother for mood stabilizers Nursing 2015/2023
- BOOKLET CODE: 012 SUBJECT CODE: 02 is providing vacciner answission of infections due to unsafe 40. Accimations to avoid the possible injections. What is the most important precaution that the nurse implement primarily to meet her goal? (A) Avoid rease of needles (C) Avoid touching the needle (4) Avoid recapping of needles (D) Avoid injecting at the incorrect site 41. A nurse found that the cold chain temperature of the vaccine has fallen below O'C for five The nurse moves ver. The shake test was performed using the "TEST vial and vaccines to the safe storage and checked some freeze sensitive ''FROZEN'' vial. What is the most likely condition to determine the vaccine is safe to use? (A) Ifsedimentation is similar in both vials (B) Ifthe TEST vial sediments are faster than the FROZEN vial (C) Irthe TEST vial sediments are slower than the FROZEN vial (D) If there is no sedimentation in the TEST vial, but in the FROZEN vial 42. A nine-month-old child is brought to the immunization clinic for vaccination. The nurse checked that the child has taken all previous doses before giving the present dose. Then.the nurse gives measles vaccine and appointed the mother for the next dose. What is the most likely vaccine to be provided in the next schedule? (A) Measles (C) Tetanus toxoid (B) Pertusis (D) Hinflenza type b 43. A mother of a school age child came to a hospital to consult the nurse about the development of her child.The nurse asked the mother about the behavioral indicators of development and suspected that the child may have attention-deficit disorder. What could be the most likely indicator for the nurse's suspicion? (A) Impulsivity in school (C) Sitting in class for long time (B) Over engagement in tasks (D) Impairments in communication 44. A three-year-old child is brought to the well-baby clinic due to poor communication skill. On assessment, the child is found to have poor social interaction and the nurse suspected that the child is autistic. What is the most appropriate management for this child? (A) Psychosocial intervention (B) Advise the mother for stimulants (C) Advise the mother for antipsychotics (D) Advise the mother for mood stabilizers
- OOKLET CODE: 012 SUBJECT CODE: 02 who is prosition possible transmission of infections due to unsafe vaccinations to What is the most important precaution that the nurse implement primarily io meet her goal? of needles (C) Avoid touching the needle (A) Avoid recapping of needles (D) Avoid injecting at the incorrect site the cold chain temperature of the vaccine has fallen below O'C for five A nurse found that storage and checked some freeze sensitive The shake test was performed using the "TEST vial and FROZEN"vial. What is the most likely condition to determine the vaccine is safe to use? 1) If sedimentation is similar in both vials If the TEST vial sedimens are slower than the FROZEN vial ) If the TEST vial sediments are faster than the FROZEN vial If there is no sedimentation in the TEST vial.but in the FROZEN vial nine-month-old child is brought to the immunization clinic for vaccination. The nurse cked that the child has taken all previous doses before giving the present dose. Then, the se gives measles vaccine and appointed the mother for the next dose. it is the most likely vaccine to be provided in the next schedule? Measles (C) Tetanus toxoid Pertusis (D) H.inflenza type b ther of a school age child came to a hospital to consult the nurse about the development child. The nurse asked the mother about the behavioral indicators of development and cted that the child may have attention-deficit disorder. could be the most likely indicator for the nurse's suspicion? npulsivity in school (C) Sitting in class for long time ver engagement in tasks (D) Impairments in communication -year-old child is brought to the well-baby clinic due to poor communication skill.On nent, the child is found to have poor social interaction and the nurse suspected that the autistic. the most appropriate management for this child? chosocial intervention vise the mother for stimulants ise the mother for antipsychotics ise the mother for mood stabilizers Nursing 2015/2023