Ajuda para tarefas de saúde pública
A ajuda em tarefas de saúde pública é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem em saúde pública projetada para ajudar estudantes e profissionais a concluir melhor as tarefas relacionadas à saúde pública. O programa oferece uma variedade de recursos de aprendizagem em saúde pública, incluindo materiais de curso, trabalhos de pesquisa, tutoriais em vídeo, etc., para ajudar os alunos a compreender melhor vários aspectos da saúde pública.
Além disso, a plataforma oferece uma variedade de utilitários, como calculadoras, consultas de banco de dados, análise de mapas, etc., para ajudar os alunos a concluir suas tarefas com mais eficiência. O ajudante de lição de casa de saúde pública também oferece uma comunidade de comunicação on-line onde os alunos podem compartilhar experiências e recursos com outros profissionais de saúde pública para melhorar a conscientização e a competência em saúde pública.
- Assinale a alternativa que representa corretamente os "Princípios Básicos de Radioproteção". Eficiência e DFF EPIS. Distância, KV e Mas. Justificação, otimização e limitação. Proteção, blindagem e isolamento.
- 3) Ao listar caracteristicas das "doenças"que acometem crianças de sete anos, princi- palmente a hora de acordar para ir para o collegio, pode-se perceher a semelhanga com um diagnostic medico principalmente pela utilização dos termos (A) mira ulosamente e enxergando. (B) tratamento e patriotica (C) viruse bactérias. (D) ecologica e magicas.
- s not Renl fuction test (RFT) . eatinine B. urea C . uric acid D.bilirubin Disorder of liver includes A. Jaundice/icterus B Cirrhosis C hepatocellular carcincima D. All . 16. Liver is vital in our body and its physiological role is/are __ A .metabolism of lipid and carbohydrate B.secretion of bile into small intestine C.Protection by detoxification D.All of the above 17. Estimation of hepatic dysfunction is complicated by large functional reserve of liver and its power to regenerate rapidly. A TRUE B.FALSE 18. Liver functions are requested for __ A. Diagnosis B .Differentiation C.Prognosis D.all 19. Importance of enzymes tests in liver disease is A. to assess the extent of liver damage B. differentiate hepatocellular(functional ) from obstructive disease C. both A&B 20. One of the following is not Standard liver panel test. A. AST. ALT.ALP , GGT, LDH B. Total and Direct bilirubin %. Total protein , Albumin , AST , ALT*、ALp* C. BUN, Creatinine ,urea uric acid D. None of the above 21. which one of the following is used to assess hepatic excretory function? A. creatinine B.bilirubin C. albumin D.clotting factor 22. Unconjugated bilirubin is insoluble in water. A. FALSE B.TRUE 23. Yellowish pigmentation of skins and sclera due to accumulation of bilirubin or retention of bilirubin in general circulation is A. Ariheroscelerosis B.jaundice C.Gout D.leukemia 24. A group of enzymes that Catalyze interconversion of functional groups are A.transferase B.Ligase C.isomerase D.Hydrolyse 25. An increase in ALT/GPT serum levels is more specific for
- Part I. Choose the best answer and en-insle the letter of your choice. 1. General formula for carbohydrate A. Cn(H2O)n B. R-COOH R-OH D R-C(H2O) 2. The main reason to perform plasma or serum glucose analysis. A. to screen and diagnose hyperglycemia B. to screen and diagnose hyper proteinemia C. to diagnose CHF D. to investigate Anemia 3. Carbohydrates containing chains of 3 to 10 sugar units is A.monosaccharides B . disaccharides C.oligosaccharide D.polysaccaride 4.one of the following is storage polysaccharie A. starch B2Glycogen C. cellulose D. A&B 5. The process of conversion of glucose molecule into two molecules of pyruvate is called A. Glycolysis B. Glycogenolysis C Gluconeogenesis D glycogenesis 6. The break down of glycogen to glucose in the liver to maintain the fasting blood glucose level is A. Glycolysis B. Giycogenolysis C Gluconeogenesis D glycogenesis 7. Hormone that decrease plasma glucose A. Glucagon B Inculis C. Somatostatin D.Epinephrine 8. A severe form of DM characterized by absolute insulin deficiency is __ A.typeIDM B.type II DM C. gestational DM D.all 9. Type 2 diabetes is a disorder of A. Insulin resistance B. relative deficiency of insulin. C. Constitutes about 90% of all cases of diabetes D. ALL 10. Which of the following is not Classic symptoms of diabetes A. Polyuria B. polydipsia C.overweight D.polyphagia 11. Lipid Panel or profile includes __ A. Total cholesterol B. Triglycerides C. HDL cholesterol 12.what is Azotemia? D. LDL cholesterol A. elevated level of UREA in the blood C. elevated level of bilirubir in the blood D .none B. elevated level of URIC ACID in the blood 13. Increased uric acid (hyperuricemia) results __ A. Azotemia B.Uremia C. gout D.jaundice E.All
- A.liver damage B.Kidney damage C muscle damage 1). brain damage 26.which statement is true about AST and ALT? A. AST is more concentrated in heart tissue followed by liver tissue. B. ALT is found primarily in the li er and it has low concentration in kidney. C. serum AST level is increased in acute myocardial infraction and liver disease D. All are correct 27. Physiological factors for increased ALP value is/are __ A. Pregnancy B Healing of bone fracture:C.bone disease D . A&B 28. Clinical Significance of ACP is/are A. Diagnosis of prostatic diseases B. Forensic investigation of rape victims C. Diagnosis of pagets (bone disease). D. All of the above 29. possible Specimen for ACP determinations 30. Because of the clinical importance of increased serum ACP levels in the diagnosis and monitoring of prostatic cancer, it is desirable to be able to differentiate specifically between prostatic and non-prostatic forms.The most commonly used chemical for this purpose is __ ? A. Tartarate B. Ant ihuman globulin C physiological saline D. 0.85% NaCl 31.one of the following enzyme is small enough to pass through the glomeruli of the kidneys and is the only plasma enzyme physiologically found in urine. A. ALP B. lipase C.Amylase D.Creatinine Kinase (CK) 32. The principal clinical use of amylase and lipase assays are in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (Inflammation of the pancreas). A.TRUE B.FALSE 33.Among the following lipid panel one is good cholesterol. A. Total cholesterol B. Triglycerides D. LDL cholesterol