Ajuda para tarefas de saúde pública
A ajuda em tarefas de saúde pública é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem em saúde pública projetada para ajudar estudantes e profissionais a concluir melhor as tarefas relacionadas à saúde pública. O programa oferece uma variedade de recursos de aprendizagem em saúde pública, incluindo materiais de curso, trabalhos de pesquisa, tutoriais em vídeo, etc., para ajudar os alunos a compreender melhor vários aspectos da saúde pública.
Além disso, a plataforma oferece uma variedade de utilitários, como calculadoras, consultas de banco de dados, análise de mapas, etc., para ajudar os alunos a concluir suas tarefas com mais eficiência. O ajudante de lição de casa de saúde pública também oferece uma comunidade de comunicação on-line onde os alunos podem compartilhar experiências e recursos com outros profissionais de saúde pública para melhorar a conscientização e a competência em saúde pública.
- 97. A mother brought a child to pediatric OPD with complaint of cough for one day duration. examination, the child with hands held.understand simple commands like wave bye-bye, cruise round furniture, casting of objects and have fluctuating moods. What is the actual age of this child? (A) 9 month (C) 15 month (B) 12 month (D) 18 month 98.A two year-old child was brought to under-five OPD with complaint of no day time for five days. The mother reported that the child was agitated if awakened. displaced from bed and has sleep walking. What is the best management for this child? (A)Administer PO anxiety medications (C) Provide sleep medication at night time (B) Parental education and reassurance (D) Investigate further for anxiety disorde child was brought to the health center with a complaint of oedema of b It and
- BOOKLET CODE : 011 95. A 32-year-old rabies infected woman was admitted to intensive care unit with loss of consciousness generalized spasm, wound and convulsions. Vital signs finding shows that: - Blood pressure 90/50mmHg - Pulse rate 45/min - Respiratory rate 10.min - Temperature: 35.7^circ C What is the first line management of this patient? (C) Sedating the patient with barbiturates (A) Giving Human rabies immune globulin (D) Supporting the airway (B) Giving wound care 96. A researcher wants to study the prevalence of stunting and associated factors among school children's in a certain district. What is the most appropriate anthropometric measurement to be used by the researcher? (C) BMI with age (A) Weight for age (D) Weight for height (B) Height for age 97. A mother brought a child to pediatric OPD with complaint of cough for one day duration .On with hands held.understand ough for commands like wave examination round furniture, casting of objects and have fluctuating moods. What is the actual age of this child? (C) 15 month (D) 18 month (A) 9 month (B) 12 month 98.A two year-old child was brought to under-five OPD with complaint of no day time from bed and has sleep walking. that the child was agitated if awakened, What is the best management for this child? (A) Administer PO anxiety medications (C) Provide sleep medication at night time (B) Parental education and reassurance (D) Investigate further for anxiety disorde 99. A three year-old child was brought to the health center with a complaint of oedema of b feet. On physical examination, the nurse noticed that the child had grade-II oedema of b feet. On appetite test, the baby passed the test. What is the most likely diagnosis of this infant? (A) Moderate acute malnutrition (B) Complicated severe acute malnutrition (C) Uncomplicate i severc acute malnutrition (D)moderate acute malnutrition SUBJECT
- BOOKLET CODE : 011 71. A nurse working at post anesthesia care unit recognized tachycardia immediately after surgery. The nurse recognized it as the earliest indicator and shock. What is the primary responsibility of the nurse? (A) Administer anti pain and continue as usual (B) Re-assess the patient and identify the cause (C) Check vital sign and report to the physician (D) Document findings and wait for 30 minutes 72. A nurse working at central sterilization department received surgical equipments immediately after surgery She was requested to prepare the equipment for the next case. What is the initial activity to be done by the nurse? (C) High level disinfection (A) Decontamination (D) Sterilization (B) Cleaning 73. An emergency patient admitted with chief complaint of sharp chest pain and Thoracentesi:is performed to obtain a specimen of pleural fluid for diagnosis of TBC. The lab result shows drainage purulent , Glucose equal to serum Hevels, increased white blood cells and increased RBC. Which lab result best predict presence of induced pleural effusion of the above case? (A) Drainage appearance (C) RBC level (B) Glucose level (D) WBC level 74. Rescue personnel brought a 19-year-old female patient to the emergency department after a motorcycle crash. She has facial contusion:and lacerations, a fractured stcrnum, three fractured ribs, a hemothorax, a dislocated hip,a fractured pelvis, and multiple minor lacerations. What additional data you need as priority assessment criteria? (C) Body fluid status (A) Airway and breathing (D) Vital sign (B) Consciousness level 75. A 39-year-old male patient was admitted due to motorcycle crash. He has facial contusions and lacerations, a fractured stcrnum , three fractured ribs and hemothorax. Initial findings include sharp pain over chest, an unobstructed airway with absent breath sounds in the right basilar lung field tachypnea with 32 shallow respirations per minute, BP is 94/70 mmHg; skin is cool, bloody and clammy; heart rate is 110 bpm and peripheral pulses are intact. What appropriate nursing intervention should be done first? (C) Initiate IV resuscitation (A) Stop hemorrhage (B) Ventilation support (D) Provide morphine sulphate SUBJECT CODE :01
- 70. A 70-year-old male patient was admitted to surgical unit with diagnosis of benign hyperplasia .He was schedule for surgery The patient reported to the nurse that clearly understand the overall care outcome to sign informed consent. Who is responsible to solve this problem at preoperative period? (A) The nurse (C) The assistan surgeon (B) The surgeon (D) The anesthetist enerated l by CamScanner BOOKLET CODE: 011 71. A nurse working at post anesthesia care unit recognized tachycardi immediately after surgery. The nurse recognized it as the earliest indicator of hemorrhage and shock. What is the primary responsibilit v of the nurse? (A)Administer anti pain and continue as usual (B) Re-assess the patient and identify the cause (C) Check vital sign and report to the physician (D) Document findings and wait for 30 minutes 72. A nurse working at central sterilizatior departmen received surgica equipments immediately after surgery.She was requested to prepare the equipment for the next case. no What is the initial activity to be done by the nurse? (C) High level disinfection (A)Decontamination (D)Sterilization (B) Cleaning 73. An emergency patient admitted with chief complaint of sharp chest pain and Thoracentesis is performed to obtain a specimen of pleural fluid for diagnosi s of TBC. The lab result shows drainage purulent.Glucose equal to serum levels . increased white blood cells and increased RBC. Which lab result best predict presence of induced pleural effusion of the above case? (C) RBC level (A) Drainag e appearance (D) WBC level (B) Glucose level 74. Rescue personnel brought a 19-year-old fcmale patient to the emergency department after a crash.She has facial contusions and lacerations a fracture d sternum three fractured ribs a hemothorax , a hip,a fractured pelvis,and multiple minor lacerations. What additional I data you need as priority assessment criteria? (C) Body fluid status (A) Airway and breathing (D) Vital sign (B)Consciousnes s level 75. A 39-year-old male patient was admitted due to motorcycle crash.He has facial contusio and lacerations, a fractured sternum . three fractured ribs . and hemothorax . Initial findir include sharp pain over chest,an unobstructc d airway with absent breath sounds in the ri basilar lung field . tachypnea with 32 shallow respirations per minute ,BP is 94/70 mm skin is cool,bloody and clammy ; heart rate is 110 bpm and peripheral pulses are intact. What appropriate nursing intervention should be done first? (C) Initiate IV resuscitation (A) Stop hemorrhage (B)Ventilation support (D) Provide morphine sulphate 15 SUBJECT CODE: 01
- 80. A nurse was accused of medication error inappropriate during medication administration guidelines. What is the most appropriate initial action the nurse should take to prevent this error? (A) Checking right medication label (B) Cheeking the right cleati (C) Checking the right dose "TODE: 011 (D) Checking right route 81. A male prisonc parent came to a clinic with the complaint of abrupt onset of fever , malaise. anorexia, and abdomina I discomfort. He has visible jaundice. He strongly criticizes the has abnormally increased. hygiene of the drinking water. The lab finding showed that his IgM What is the possible diagnosis for this client? (A) Hepatitis A (B) Hepatitis B (C) Hepatitis C (D) Hepatitis D 82. A man is washing clothes of cholera patient at stream watcr. He is washing without using any protective equipment A nurse planned to train on the measures of controlling the transmission of the disease. What is the priority control measure the nurse should take? (A) Disinfect the contaminated clothes (B) Avoid contaminatior of drinking water (C) Boil drinking water from the stream source (D) Isolate the victim and wash hands frequently 83. A woman brought her four-year-old boy to the clinic because of long round worms which measure 19 cm long coming out of the child?anus with stool. What is the best treatment option for this boy? (A) Albendazole 400 mg PO stat (B) Albendazole 800 mg PO stat (C) Mebendazole oral suspension 500mg/5ml (D) Mebendazole oral suspension 250mg/2.5ml 84. A 36-year-old HIV positive woman is living with her husband who was diagnosed with smear positive pulmonary TB one week ago. She is asymptomatic for TB . The nurse at the health center traced her as houschold contact. What should be the first action of the nurse to prevent TB transmission? (A) Give her isoniazid preventiv therapy (B) Conduct appropriate clinical evaluation (C) Start first line anti-TB treatment regimen (D) Go home and screen other family members SUBJECT CODE: 01