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4.1- Considerando a seguinte frase responda: Members of the Kayapo tribe in Brazil blocked a main highway through the Amazon – bow and arrow in hand. Em que tempo verbal está a frase?    (   ) present simple      (   ) past simple Qual verbo justifica a sua resposta à pergunta n° 1? ______________________ Que tipo de verbo foi usado na frase ?      (    ) verbo regular    (    ) verbo irregular 5- SIMPLE PAST QUIZ:   a) I ______ English for two years.     (    ) studying           (    ) study            (    ) studied b) I _______ to São Paulo in 2019.      (    ) travel              (    ) traveled         (    ) traveling c) _____ Mike visit his grandmother last night?     (    ) Did                 (    ) Are                (    ) Does d) Alex did not _____ last weekend.     (    ) working         (    ) worked          (    ) work e) Bob ______ his Mom this morning.     (    ) calling           (    ) call                 (    ) called f) _______ the children ________ the drums last party?     (    ) Did / play      (     ) Are/ play        (    ) Did/ played g) Marcia ______ her parentes last weekend.     (    ) visits             (    ) visited             (    ) visiting ​


4.1- Considerando a seguinte frase responda: Members of the Kayapo tribe in Brazil blocked a main highway through the Amazon – bow and arrow in hand. Em que tempo verbal está a frase?    (   ) present simple      (   ) past simple Qual verbo justifica a sua resposta à pergunta n° 1? ______________________ Que tipo de verbo foi usado na frase ?      (    ) verbo regular    (    ) verbo irregular 5- SIMPLE PAST QUIZ:   a) I ______ English for two years.     (    ) studying           (    ) study            (    ) studied b) I _______ to São Paulo in 2019.      (    ) travel              (    ) traveled         (    ) traveling c) _____ Mike visit his grandmother last night?     (    ) Did                 (    ) Are                (    ) Does d) Alex did not _____ last weekend.     (    ) working         (    ) worked          (    ) work e) Bob ______ his Mom this morning.     (    ) calling           (    ) call                 (    ) called f) _______ the children ________ the drums last party?     (    ) Did / play      (     ) Are/ play        (    ) Did/ played g) Marcia ______ her parentes last weekend.     (    ) visits             (    ) visited             (    ) visiting ​


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PietraElite · Tutor por 8 anos


4.1: A frase está no past simple, justificado pelo verbo "blocked". Esse verbo é regular.<br /><br />5: <br />a) I studied English for two years.<br />b) I traveled to São Paulo in 2019.<br />c) Did Mike visit his grandmother last night?<br />d) Alex did not work last weekend.<br />e) Bob called his Mom this morning.<br />f) Did the children play the drums last party?<br />g) Marcia visited her parents last weekend.
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