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Choose and write the correct option. I ____________ ( don´t/ doesn´t ) like chicken. My sister _______________ ( don´t/ doesn´t ) eat pasta. You ____________ ( don´t/ doesn´t ) buy apples. The dog ____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) bark. My mum ____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) read comics. Ann and I _____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) go to school. Cows _______________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) live in the sea. They ______________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) play football. My cat _____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) chase mice. Her friend ____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) speak English. This man ______________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) smoke. It ______________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) run very fast.


Choose and write the correct option. I ____________ ( don´t/ doesn´t ) like chicken. My sister _______________ ( don´t/ doesn´t ) eat pasta. You ____________ ( don´t/ doesn´t ) buy apples. The dog ____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) bark. My mum ____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) read comics. Ann and I _____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) go to school. Cows _______________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) live in the sea. They ______________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) play football. My cat _____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) chase mice. Her friend ____________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) speak English. This man ______________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) smoke. It ______________ ( don´t / doesn´t ) run very fast.


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RafaelMestre · Tutor por 5 anos


Responder: I don't like chicken. My sister doesn't eat pasta. You don't buy apples. The dog doesn't bark. My mum doesn't read comics. Ann and I don't go to school. Cows don't live in the sea. They don't play football. My cat doesn't chase mice. Her friend doesn't speak English. This man doesn't smoke. It doesn't run very fast. <br /><br />Explicação: Em inglês, usamos "don't" quando o sujeito é I, you, we or they, e usamos "doesn't" quando o sujeito é he, she or it. Por exemplo, eu (I) uso "don't", enquanto minha irmã (she) usa "doesn't". Então, temos "I don't like chicken" e "My sister doesn't eat pasta". Esta regra se aplica também para todas as outras frases.
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