Ajuda para tarefas de saúde pública
A ajuda em tarefas de saúde pública é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem em saúde pública projetada para ajudar estudantes e profissionais a concluir melhor as tarefas relacionadas à saúde pública. O programa oferece uma variedade de recursos de aprendizagem em saúde pública, incluindo materiais de curso, trabalhos de pesquisa, tutoriais em vídeo, etc., para ajudar os alunos a compreender melhor vários aspectos da saúde pública.
Além disso, a plataforma oferece uma variedade de utilitários, como calculadoras, consultas de banco de dados, análise de mapas, etc., para ajudar os alunos a concluir suas tarefas com mais eficiência. O ajudante de lição de casa de saúde pública também oferece uma comunidade de comunicação on-line onde os alunos podem compartilhar experiências e recursos com outros profissionais de saúde pública para melhorar a conscientização e a competência em saúde pública.
- BOOKLET CODE: 011 80. A nurse was accused of medication error committed during the care of an admitted The nurse was for givin g inappropriate drug to the patient withous following medication administration guidelines. What is the most appropriate initial action the nurse should take to prevent this error? (A right medicatio n label (C) Checking the right dose (B) Checking the right client (D) Checking right route 17 81. A male prisoner patient came to a clinic with the complaint of abrupt onset of fever, malaise. anorexia,and abdomin al discomfort.He has visible jaundice.He strongly criticize s the prison site for the poor hygiene of the drinking water . The lab finding showed that his IgM has abnormally increased. What is the possible diagnosis for this client? (A)A (C) Hepatitis C (D) Hepatitis D (B) Hepatitis B 82. A man is washing clothes of cholera patient at stream watcr He is washing without using any protective equipment. A nurse planned to train on the measures of controlling the transmission of the disease. What is the priority control measure the nurse should take? (A) Disinfect the contamina ted clothes (B) Avoid contaminatior of drinking water (C) Boil drinking water from the stream source (D) Isolate the victim and wash hands frequently 83. A woman brought her four-year-ol boy to the clinic because of long round worms which measure 19 cm long coming out of the child's anus with stool. What is the best treatment option for this boy? (A) Albendazole 400 mg PO stat (B)Albendazole 800 mg PO stat (B) Albemdazole oral suspension 500mg/5ml (D)Mebendazole oral suspension 250mg/2.5ml 84. A 36-year-ol HIV positive woman is living with her husband who was diagnosed with smear pulmonary TB one week ago. She is asymptomatic for TB. The nurse at the health center traccd her as houschold contact. What should be the first action of the nurse to prevent TB transmission? (A) Give her isoniazid preventive : therapy (B) Conduct appropriat evaluation (C) Start first line anti-TB treatment (D) Go home and screen other family members BOOKLE T CODE : 011 85. A 34-year-old man was diagnoscd with paucibacillary leprosy.He did not have any informatior about the disease.He requested the nurse to tell him about the manifestations of the disease. What is the best explanation to be given by the nurse to this patient? (A) One to five skin lesions and one nerve trunk enlarged (B). Decreased skin sensatior and 6-12 Painless lumps (C) More than10 skin lesions and two nerve s affected (D) Six or more skin lesions and ô welled diabetes mellitus is admittcd to a SUBJEC T CODE: 01 SUBJECT CODE: 01
- BOOKLET CODE: 011 85. A 34-year-old man was diagnosed with paucibacillary leprosy.He did not have any informatior about the disease.He requested the nurse to tell him about the manifestations of the disease. What is the best explanation to be given by the nurse to this patient? (A) One to five skin lesions and one nerve trunk enlarged (B). Decreased skin sensation and 6-12 Painless lumps (C) More than10 skin lesions and two nerve affected (D) Six or more skin lesions and >1 nerve affected 86. A 42 -year-old immune suppresse I patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is admittcd to a medical ward with aseptic meningitis. What are the first line combined drugs should be prescribed by the physician to this patient? (A) Benzy penicillin Chloramphenicol ,Ampicillin,Meropenem (B) Ceftriaxone Vancomycin,Ampicillin ,Gentamycin sone. Ampicillin (D)Ceftazidime , Acyclovir,Ampicillin,Vancomycin 87. A 34-year-old man with fever, marked weight loss and splenomeg ally was admitted to medical ward.One month ago,he had travel history to the warm part of the country where sand flics are prevalent. What is the most likely diagnosis of this patient? (A)Babesiosis (C)Onchocerciasis (D)Trypanosomiasis (B)Leishmaniasis 88. A 32-year-old patient came to OPD with painless ulcer on the tips of the nose and subman dibular lymph nodo enlargement The lcsion persisted for more than six months.Lab finding showed Leshimani Aetiopica. What is the first line drug treatment for this patient? (C)Meglumin Antimoniate (A)Miltefosine (D) Sodium Stibogluconate (B)Paromomycin 89. The nurse plans to work on prevention of relapsing fever and typhus in the nearby prison. Which preventive action is the priority? (A) Changing clothes and bedding frequently (B) Drying clothes and bedding in sunlight (C) Treating louse-infested clothes with chemicals (D) Washing body and clothes regularly BOOKI LET CODE : 011 90. A 26 -year-old man with multiple sexual partners visited the health center by complaining burning sensation on urination and acute onset of profused and purulent urethral discharge. Testicles are tender and swollen. What is the possible diagnosis of this patient? (C) Herpes genitalia (A) Candidiasis (D)Trichomoniasis (B) Gonorrhea SUBJE CT CODE : 01 SUBJECT CODE: 01
- 10?) que deve ser ofertado às crianças da educação infantil? a) Serviços educacionais , assistenciais e de saúde , com ações integradas, de caráter preventivo e promocional,sem perder de vista o atendiment ) às familias. b) Somente servicos assistenciais e de saúde. c) Apoio familiar. d) N.D.A.
- Questão 5/10 A esquizofrenia é uma das formas mais comuns e debilitantes de doença mental. Sobre o tema , analise as proposições a 4) Ler em voz alta seguir, marcando V para as verdadeiras e F para as falsas e em seguida, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequencia correta. ( ) Os antipsicoticos podem ser classificados como farmacos tipicos ou atipicos . ( )0s antipsicoticos podem atuar em receptores serotoninergicos, colinergicos noradrenérgicos. ( ) 0s farmacos dopaminetgica elou serotoninergomes.) Os antipsicóticos atipicos apresentam efellos antipsicbticos devide ao antipsicoticos que alliviam os sintomas da esquiuraltent, disponveis atualimente, diminuem a neurotransmissão bloquelo competitivo dos receptores de dopamina. A 4) a) V-F-V-R B 40 ) V-V -V-F. C (1) c) V-F-F- D (1) d)-V-F -V.
- 0:01:34 Questão 2/10-Farmacologia aplicada ao sistema nervoso 4) Ler em voz alta No tratamento de doenças do sistema respiratório, há multas interações medicamentosas importantes que devem ser levadas em consideração Com relação a essas interações assinale a alternativa correta. A 40 Corticoides utilizados cronicamente podem provocar quadros de hipoglicemia podendo haver uma interação do tipo farmacodinãmica de agonismo com agentes hipoglicemiantes orais. B A associação de fârmacos depressores do SNC, como benzodiazepinicos e barbiltiricos, pode reduzir os efeitos depressores dos anti-histaminicos de primeira geraçǎo. C As metilxantinas podem bloquear completamente os efeitos dos estimulantes do SNC, como os anorexigenos de ação central. D 4) Os broncodilatadores, tanto os agonistas 62 como as metilxantinas, podem Interagir com drogas anti- hipertensivas antagonistas B bloquear os receptores (52 e propiciar uma crise de asma.