Ajuda para tarefas de saúde pública
A ajuda em tarefas de saúde pública é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem em saúde pública projetada para ajudar estudantes e profissionais a concluir melhor as tarefas relacionadas à saúde pública. O programa oferece uma variedade de recursos de aprendizagem em saúde pública, incluindo materiais de curso, trabalhos de pesquisa, tutoriais em vídeo, etc., para ajudar os alunos a compreender melhor vários aspectos da saúde pública.
Além disso, a plataforma oferece uma variedade de utilitários, como calculadoras, consultas de banco de dados, análise de mapas, etc., para ajudar os alunos a concluir suas tarefas com mais eficiência. O ajudante de lição de casa de saúde pública também oferece uma comunidade de comunicação on-line onde os alunos podem compartilhar experiências e recursos com outros profissionais de saúde pública para melhorar a conscientização e a competência em saúde pública.
- BOOKLITCODE: 011 primigravida mother came to a hospital with a complaint of labor pain for five hours. On evaluation, she had three regular uterine contractions and cervix is Scin dilated After an hour, the tervis became fully ditated.feral heart beat is 90mm and there is three rogular uterine contraction The nurse decided to deliver the fetus using vacuum. What is the most likely indication for the above procedure" (A) Tight perincum (C) Poor matemal expulsive effort (B) Prolonged second stage of labor (D) Non reassuring fetal heart rate 91. A nurse administered three doses of 2 Iti of oxytocin in 1000 ml of normal saline solution for a pregnant mother who was indicated for labor induction. The dose was started with 20 drop per minute and increased every 30 minutes till adequate uterine contraction is achieved After few hours, the uterus became tense, strong and highly contracted. What is the most likely complication the mother could develop? (A) Uterine inertia Retained placenta (B) Uterine rupture (D) Chorioamnionitis 92. A 31-year-ol primigravida mother visited a health center for delivery.On examination, the contraction was adequate with vertex presentation.the head was visible on the vulva and there was a bulged thinned perineum. The nurse conducted delivery of the baby by performing episiotomy. What is the most likely indication used to decide this procedure? (A) Vertex presentation (C) Thinned perineum (B) Uterine contraction (D) Head visible in vulva 93. A 20-year-old primigravida mother visited a health center for delivery.On arrival, she is on active first stage of labor with 8 cm cervical dilatation and three strong contractions in 10 minute. She shouts when she had pain secondary to uterine contraction. What is the most appropriate pain management for this mother? (A) Provide tocolytics to rest labor (B) Teach labor breathing technique (C) Encourage movement with attendant (D) Establish a relationship with the mother crc DE: 01
- Com tantos conhecimentos sobre os diversos recursos tecnológicos descobertos, o mundo ainda padece com mortes significativamente relevantes decorrentes da diarreia, devido às condições ambientais e de privações salutares em que vivem as crianças. E uma doença facilmente evitável, quando os ambientes de exposição da criança recebem atenções de saúde públicas adequadas (WHO, 2017). De acordo com o tema leia as afirmativas e assinale a correta: I. Diarreiaé a alteração do conteúdo líquido das fezes, devido à disfunção intestinal com perdas excessivas de nutrientes principalmente água e eletrólitos, traduzindo um desequilibrio entre os processos de absorção e secreção do intestino. II. Geralmente, a diarreia é acompanhada de aumento da frequência aumento do volume e da diminuição da consistência das fezes. III. Algumas variáveis poderão estar presentes, dependendo da causa, como vômito dor abdominal, febre, presença de sangue, muco ou pus podendo levar à desidratação e consequentemente, d morte. Escolha uma opção: a. I. II elll
- severe acute malnutrit laboratory glucose the eyes slightly open sompin intervention to this infant? 12 (A) Give 7.5mi Smil of40^circ ddxxtrose+37.5ml5% of40% ,dextrose+37.5dist (C) Give 7.5m CODE: 012 36. A two-month-old influes who was on exclusive breast feeding, is broughtto a health centor cirenmeision site bleeding. of blood stained stool as well as brusing, umbilical stump and poit What is the most likely cause of this infant s problem? (C) Vitamin D deficiency (A) Vitamin K deficiency (D) Vitamin B deficiency (B) Vitamin C deficiency 37. A mother brought her nine 10-month-old child to well-baby clinic. The nurse noticed that the child can say daca/mam and was able to grasp objects with thumb and forefinger. But the mother informed the nurse that the child could have gross motor developmental delay. the child's weight was 9 kg What should the nurse assess primarily to disprove the mother's worry? (A) Confirm ability of the child to crawl (B) Confirm ability of the child to sit independently (C) Confirm ability of the child to stand hardling objects (D) Confirm ability of the child to make tripod posture 38. A 16-month old child was brought to well-baby clinic for growth and developmental check up. The nurse in charge noticed some developmental delay based on the Freud's principle. What could be the most appropriate nursing intervention in this case? (A) Advise the mother about appropriate feeding (B) Show the mother about how to train toileting the child (C) Advise the mother how to avoid aggressive behaviors of a child at this age (D) Recommend mother to collect learning materials to enhance intellectual development 39. A certain health center plans to do a two days immunization campaign in two selected kebelles where immunization coverage is low. Then, nurses were assigned to give vaccines for consecutive two days as it is planned. What is the most appropriate vaccine storage to keep the potency of vaccines? (A) Cold box (C) Water-packs (B)Refrigerator (D) Vaccine carrier
- BOOKLET CODE: 012 SUBJECT CODE: 02 is providing vacciner answission of infections due to unsafe 40. Accimations to avoid the possible injections. What is the most important precaution that the nurse implement primarily to meet her goal? (A) Avoid reuse of needles (C) Avoid touching the needle (A) Avoid recapping of needles (D) Avoid injecting at the incorrect site 41. A nurse found that the cold chain temperature of the vaccine has fallen below O'C for five The nurse moves the shake test was performed using the "TEST vial and vaccines to the safe storage and checked some freeze sensitive ''FROZEN'' vial. What is the most likely condition to determine the vaccine is safe to use? mentation is similar in both vials (A) IFsed Thest val sediments are faster than the FROZEN vial (C) Irthe TEST vial sediments are slower than the FROZEN vial (D) If there is no sedimentation in the TEST vial, but in the FROZEN vial 42. A nine-month-old child is brought to the immunization clinic for vaccination. The nurse checked that the child has taken all previous doses before giving the present dose. Then.the nurse gives measles vaccine and appointed the mother for the next dose. What is the most likely vaccine to be provided in the next schedule? (A) Measles (C) Tetanus toxoid (B) Pertusis (D) Hinflenza type b 43. A mother of a school age child came to a hospital to consult the nurse about the development of her child.The nurse asked the mother about the behavioral indicators of development and suspected that the child may have attention-deficit disorder. What could be the most likely indicator for the nurse's suspicion? (A) Impulsivity in school (C) Sitting in class for long time (B) Over engagement in tasks (D) Impairments in communication 44. A three-year-old child is brought to the well-baby clinic due to poor communication skill. On assessment, the child is found to have poor social interaction and the nurse suspected that the child is autistic. What is the most appropriate management for this child? (A) Psychosocial intervention (B) Advise the mother for stimulants (C) Advise the mother for antipsychotics (D) Advise the mother for mood stabilizers
- HOOKLI roo 67 A mate nurve in the eyerating room memors 4" year graduating nurves and teaches the students about different anes in the operation room.He about the area where monte procedures are camed out and masks are requires to supplement surpricat attire What is the mont likely zone in the operation room the nurse explained about" (A) Semi-restricted Area (ii) Unrestricted Area (D) Sterile area 66. A 19-yearold female client was brought to an care unit after exposure to cyanide interventions containing by-product the nurse initiated emergency mursing assessment to do possible What is the most likely common clinical manifestation the nurse may get from this patient? (A) High blood pressure and cyanotic (B) Tachycardia and tachypnea (C) Bradypnea and bradycardic (D) Cyanosis and dizziness 69. A 57-year-old woman was presented to surgical emergency unit with diagnosis of multiple rihs fracture. Assessment findings showed paradoxical chest-wall movement with inspiration and expiration. What is the priority nursing intervention next to immobilization? (A) Administering anti pain (B) Monitor signs of respiratory infection (C) Instructing the lie on the affected side (D) Instructing the patient to take deep breaths 70. A 68-year-old man with a history of bronchiectasis is admitted for newly diagnosed heart failure. He reports that he is able to breathe easily only in sitting position. The attending physician ordered ches physiotherapy and postural drainage. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this patient? (A) Anxiety (B) Activity intolerance (C) Ineffective airway clearance (D) Impaired physical comfort 71. A 25-year-old female patient was admitted to orthopedic inpatient unit with diagnosis of dislocation at the left lower extremity. The surgeon performed immobilization and reduction to stabilize the patient and handover to the nurse for follow up. What is the most likely instruction the nurse should notify the patient? (A) Do not flex the hip (B) Reduce range of motion (C) Reporting abnormal sensation (D) Keep the knees apart at all times IER/AAI