Ajuda para tarefas de saúde pública
A ajuda em tarefas de saúde pública é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem em saúde pública projetada para ajudar estudantes e profissionais a concluir melhor as tarefas relacionadas à saúde pública. O programa oferece uma variedade de recursos de aprendizagem em saúde pública, incluindo materiais de curso, trabalhos de pesquisa, tutoriais em vídeo, etc., para ajudar os alunos a compreender melhor vários aspectos da saúde pública.
Além disso, a plataforma oferece uma variedade de utilitários, como calculadoras, consultas de banco de dados, análise de mapas, etc., para ajudar os alunos a concluir suas tarefas com mais eficiência. O ajudante de lição de casa de saúde pública também oferece uma comunidade de comunicação on-line onde os alunos podem compartilhar experiências e recursos com outros profissionais de saúde pública para melhorar a conscientização e a competência em saúde pública.
- Qual NĂO é uma recomendaçãc que objetiva contribuir para garantir o crescimento e desenvolvimento adequado de crianças e de adolescentes? a. Manter o peso saudável. b. Limitar o consumo de açúcares. c. Aumentar o consumo de frutas. legumes e verduras e de cereais integrais e frutas secas. d. Aumentar o consumo energético procedente das gorduras , substituir as gorduras saturadas por gorduras insaturadas e eliminar as gorduras e. Limitar o consumo de sal (sódio).
- 4. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for pronouncing clinical, or brain, death? absence of reflexes absence of responses to the environment absence of eye movement absence of electrical activity in the brain
- 1. Statistically, which of the following U.S. citizens has the longest life expectancy? Tyrell, a 20-year-old Black man Mrs. Li, a 50-year-old Chinese woman Pedro, a 12-year-old Hispanic boy Dana, a 35-year-old White woman
- respiratory rate,nasal flaring,and intercostal retractions . What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Pneumonia B Bronchiolitis C. Asthma D. Croup 35. A 3-year-old presents with a high fever irritability, and a bulging fontanelle. On examination there is nuchal rigidity and photophobia . What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Meningitis B. Encephalitis C.Hydrocephalus D. Sinusitis 36. A 3-year -old child presents with poor growth , delayed development , and frequent infections.On examination, the child has a distended abdomen and thin, sparse hair. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms? A. Iron deficiency anemia B. Vitamin D deficiency C. Protein -energy malnutrition D. Zinc deficiency 37. A 4-year-old child is brought to the clinic with complaints of frequent infections . slow wound healing, and easy bruising.. On examination , the child has pale skin and brittle nails .What is the most likely cause of these symptoms? A. Iron deficiency anemia B. Vitamin D deficiency C. Protein -energy malnutrition D.Zinc deficiency 38. A 2-year -old child presents with fever, rapid breathing, and lethargy. On examination , the child has cool. mottled skin and a weak pulse. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms? A. Pneumonia B. Urinary tract infection C. Meningitis D. Sepsis 39. A 10-year-old child is brought to the emergency department after falling into a cold lake The child is lethargic, with slurred speech and difficulty walking.On examination the child has a weak pulse and low body temperature. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms? A. Drowning B . Hypothermia C. Concussion D. Dehydration
- D. Atelectasis 17. Two weeks 2500 -gram male neonate was admitted to Sabian General Hospital at NICU ward. The mother said the newborn had repeated vomiting, skin rash, and Irritable. On physical examination, the neonatologist finds a bulged anterior fontanel , lethargy, and baby arched backward. The CSF laboratory result indicates there is a bacterium and a decrease in the amount of glucose and Protein. The neonate temperature was 380C and the respiratory rate was 60 breath per minute. based on the above information what is most likely the new-born diagnosis? A. Tetanus B. Meningitis C. Poliomyelitis D. Measle 18. A pediatric nurse wants to give routine immunization in an EPI room for a Ten -week-old infant in the Health Facility. What is the correct vaccine name? A. Penta 2, PCV 1, OPV 2, Rota 2 B. Penta 1, PCV 1. DPT1. OPV1 C. Penta3, PCV3.OPV 3. Rota 1 D. Penta 2, OPV 2, PCV2, Rota 1 19. A 3-year-old boy has a 3-day history of intermittent abdominal pain. The parent reports small amounts of liquid stools in the boy's pull-up diaper pants for the last 10 days. For several minutes every day the boy bends over, crosses his legs and holds his stomach in pain. He has also had cold symptoms for the past week but has not had fever, vomiting , or a change in appetite. Physical examination reveals a well-appearing child with normal vital signs and clear rhinorrhea. The abdomen is slightly distended, but there are no masses or tenderness. Firm stool is palpable on rectal examination. The stool tests negative for occult blood. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. Constipation B. Gastroenteritis C. Mesenteric lymphadenitis D. Intussusception 20. A 8-year-old child with a history of pneumonia presents to the emergency room with fever, cough, chest pain and difficulty of breathing.On examination, the child has decreased breath sounds on the affected side and dullness to percussion . The chest X-ray also shows a patchy infiltrate and pleural effusion. What is the most likely complication of pneumonia in this child? A. CHF B. Empyema C. Lung abscess D. Acute respiratory distress syndrome