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COMPLETE AS FRASES COM O PRONOME REFLEXIVO CORRETO: My mother always talk to-HERSELF-when she is alone. My brother is pale because he saw-in the mirror. I cut-with that knife The girls hurt-in the garden. John, look-. You are dirty. My dog hurt-under the gate. We can’t wash-in this dirty water! se puderem ajudar prfv!​


COMPLETE AS FRASES COM O PRONOME REFLEXIVO CORRETO: My mother always talk to-HERSELF-when she is alone. My brother is pale because he saw-in the mirror. I cut-with that knife The girls hurt-in the garden. John, look-. You are dirty. My dog hurt-under the gate. We can’t wash-in this dirty water! se puderem ajudar prfv!​


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PauloElite · Tutor por 8 anos


Resposta: Minha mãe sempre conversa consigo mesma quando está sozinha. Meu irmão está pálido porque se viu no espelho. Eu me cortei com aquela faca. As meninas se machucaram no jardim. John, se olhe. Você está sujo. Meu cachorro se machucou no portão. Não podemos nos lavar nessa água suja!
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