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In the fragment " Treat others with respect. Do what you say you will do, offer to help others, exhibit a sense of urgency in responding to requests, and extend common courtesy – when others reciprocate, a trusting partnership is formed", imperative forms are used for: a) giving orders. b) providing information. c) giving directions. d) making requests. e) giving commands.


In the fragment " Treat others with respect. Do what you say you will do, offer to help others, exhibit a sense of urgency in responding to requests, and extend common courtesy – when others reciprocate, a trusting partnership is formed", imperative forms are used for: a) giving orders. b) providing information. c) giving directions. d) making requests. e) giving commands.


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BenícioMestre · Tutor por 5 anos


Resposta: a) dar ordens. As formas imperativas neste fragmento são usadas para dar ordens ou instruções sobre como se comportar ou agir. As frases "Trate os outros com respeito", "Faça o que você diz que vai fazer", "Ofereça ajuda aos outros", "Mostre um senso de urgência em responder a pedidos" e "Estenda a cortesia comum" são todas ordens ou comandos. Quando essas ações são seguidas, de acordo com o texto, uma parceria confiável é formada.
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