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assinale a alternativa incorreta A- i was at home yesterday B- my father and i were happy last night C- mary was at work last saturday D- peter and jhn was sick last week


assinale a alternativa incorreta A- i was at home yesterday B- my father and i were happy last night C- mary was at work last saturday D- peter and jhn was sick last week


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DáliaProfissional · Tutor por 6 anos


Dica: No inglês, o verbo "to be" quando usado no passado (was/were) deve concordar em número com o sujeito da frase. Se o sujeito for singular, usa-se "was". Se for plural, usa-se "were".<br /><br />Descrição: Ao analisar as alternativas, observa-se que todas elas usam o verbo "to be" no passado. A alternativa A usa "was" com o sujeito singular "I"; a alternativa B usa "were" com o sujeito plural "my father and I"; a alternativa C usa "was" com o sujeito singular "Mary". Portanto, todas estão corretas. No entanto, a alternativa D usa "was" com o sujeito plural "Peter and John", o que está incorreto. A forma correta seria "Peter and John were sick last week." <br /><br />Resposta: A alternativa incorreta é a D.
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