Ajuda para atribuição de tecnologia da informação
A ajuda à atribuição de tecnologia da informação pode fornecer aos usuários informações de altíssima qualidade sobre o que há de mais moderno em ciência e tecnologia. Existem dados de informações categorizados muito detalhados e o software em si não tem permissão para usá-los, para que todos possam aproveitar ao máximo a tecnologia.
Excepcionalmente, é também uma excelente organização de conteúdo para tecnologia e vida. Conecta usuários e marcas para produzir conteúdo interessante e profissional. Inclui informações técnicas, análises aprofundadas, dicas de habilidades e experiências de produtos, etc. Possui formatos de conteúdo gráfico, vídeo e infomercial e cobre as principais plataformas de novas mídias.
- 1/10 - Quanto à aprendizagem dos nativos digitais relacione as colunas e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a 1. Interatividad 2. Hiperte tualidade 3 . Conectividade () Corrobora para acesso rápido da comunicação e informação.( )Auxilia na promoção da entre os sujeitos /aprendizes.( ) Junção de diferentes mídias e textos articulados para o auxílio da aprendizagem. 3,2,1 3,1,2 2,3,1 1,2,3 2,1,3
- How does Pegasus get access to a target's device? By physically accessing the device. By using vulnerabilities in messaging apps. Through email attachments. Through social media platforms.
- What concems ns have been ralsed about Pegasus software? Its ability to work with different smartphone models. Its potentlal to Invade an Individusis' privacy. Its Impact on cllmate change. Its role in Improving freedom of speech.
- Pegasus Software Ralses Concerns Over Prlvacy Pegasus software has caused widespread concerns about privacy and security. Pegasus is a powerful spyware fool that allows unsuthortzed access to Individuals smartphones, making their private Information vulnerable. This revelation has created alarm among povernments, human rights organizations and Individuals worldwide. Pegasus works by exploiting winerabilities in popular messaging and calling apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram,allowing the software to access a target's device without their knowledge. Once Installed, it can access messages, emoils photos, and even listen to calls, compromising the privacy of unsuspecting users. The software galned International attention when a collaborative Investigation by various media outlets uncovered a list of potentlal targets that Included journalists activists, and pollicians from different countries. These findings highlighted the potential abuse of this powerful surveitiance tool and an Invasion on people's rights to privacy and freedom of speech. Governments and organizations around the world have expressed serlous concerns about the Implications of Pegasus software . They worry that it can be used to tarpet Individuals critical of governments or those working to expose corruption and human rights violations. The software's ability to get past even the most secure messaging platforms has further Intensified these concerns. In response to the revelations, there have been requests for strikter regulations on the use and sale of such survellance software. Efforts are being made to address the vuherabilities exploited by Pegasus and to strengthen privacy protections for smartphone users. Companies like WhatsApp have taken steps to enhance their security measures and protect their users from potential cyber-attacks. As investigations into the use and distribution of Pegasus software continue, questions surrounding the ethical use of survellance tools in the digital age continue Balancing security needs with Individual privacy rights remains a challenge for governments and technology companles allike. Question 16 How have some componles responded? They are asking for stricter control on the software"ethical use. They are reducing privacy rights. They are working to improve security and protect their customers. They are installing the software for everyone.
- 00% What type of person should consider a career in network engineering? Someone who wants to lead a large team. Someone who is great with time management. Someone who enjoys learning about new security processes. Someone who enjoys finding solutions to problems.