Ajuda com o dever de casa de literatura
A literatura é uma forma de arte que expressa e comunica ideias, emoções e experiências por meio da linguagem. É parte integrante da cultura humana, abrangendo uma ampla gama de formas e estilos. As obras literárias podem incluir romances, poesia, drama, ensaios e muito mais. A literatura não apenas reflete os antecedentes sociais, históricos e culturais, mas também inspira a imaginação, as emoções e as habilidades de pensamento crítico dos leitores. Através da literatura, as pessoas podem explorar o mundo interior da humanidade, compreender diferentes perspectivas e valores e experimentar o prazer da beleza. A literatura tem um impacto significativo no crescimento pessoal e no desenvolvimento social.
- Dois homens foram assaltar a igreja à noite. padre percebeu o barulho, acendeu as luzes e perguntou: - Quem está aí? Os homens ficaram calados. Então o padre perguntou de novo: - Quem está aí? Um deles respondeu: - Nois é anjo __ padre então já desconfiado diz: - Então voa! outro, sem titubear, responde: - Nois é fiote! A linguagem empregada pelos homens é: dialeto caipira, em que é comum a pronúncia "fiote" no lugar de "filhote". registro coloquial em que a concordância nomina é realizada. falar determinado pela geração, em que há palavras em desuso. registro formal, em que a concordâncie nominal é realizada.
- 14. Which ONE of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a. Known for their sharp intelligence and organizational skills, Virgos are Known in everything they do. often performer sharp intelligence and organizational skills Virgos are Known rifectionists, valuing precision and efficiency in everything they do. perfectionists valuing precision and in everything they do. sharp intelligence and organizationa I skills Virgos are d. NONE of the above sentences 15. Which ONE of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a. However, their quest for perfection can lead to overthinking and self-criticism at times. b. However, there quest for perfection can lead to overthinking and self-criticism at times. c. However their quest for perfection can lead to overthinking and self-criticism at times. d. NONE of the above sentences 16. Which ONE of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a. Despite this, Virgos kind hearted and nurturing personality makes them excellent friends and partners as they truly care for those in their lives. b. Despite this, Virgos' kind hearted and nurturing personality makes them excellent friends and partners as they truly care for those in their lives. c. Despite this, Virgos kind-hearted and nurturing personality makes them excellent friends and partners as they truly care for those in there lives. d. NONE of the above sentences 7. Which ONE of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a. Prior to becoming a state, California, had been a territory of the United States since 1848, following the conclusion of the Mexican-American War. b. Prior to becoming a state, California, had been a territory of the United c. Prior to becoming a state California, had been a territory of the United States since 1848, following the conclusion of the Mexican-American War. d. NONE of the above sentences
- 7) Complete as frases usando a forma superlativa dos adjetivos entre parênteses:(valor 0,2 cada) a. Jeff Bezos isn't __ billionaire in the world Elon Musk is richer than him. (rich) b. My math teacher is __ teacher of the school.(demanding) c. James is __ player of the team (good) d. Canada is very cold. But Russia is __ country in the world (cold) e. I think Mary is __ girl of the school (beautiful) f. A Playstation 5 is very expensive, but a gamer computer is __ of all. (expensive) g. Poverty is always __ in the most dangerous neighborhoods. (bad)
- Questão 3 Leia o texto: A coerência do texto deriva de sua lógica interna resultante dos significados que sua rede de conceitos e relações põe em jogo, mas também da compatibilidade entre essa rede conceitual - o mundo textual-e o conhecimento de mundo de quem processa o discurso. (COSTA VAL, Maria da Graça. Redação e textualidade. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2006, p. 6.) A partir dos conceitos apresentados , analise o enunciado: "A comunicação vem assumindo um papel cada vez mais importante nas organizações Apesar de incluir treinamentos em equipe, possui técnicas ê estratégias."
- following and the state ins afforded in on with all the rights. blished the sections afforded the above sentenction to the states. 19. Which ONE Mowed Collectionismees is punctuated States. States. ent joining the olise states in shaping the future of the United attenting California to have to meth representation in the forent also allowed California to have it's own representation in the federal States. Statement joining the other states in shaping the future of the United c.also allowed California to have its own representation in the federal States. government, joining the other states in shaping the future of the United d. NONE of the above sentences 20. Which ONE of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a. Here are three tips to making new friends; introduce yourself, sit beside someone who is sitting alone, and offer to be a study partner. b. Here are three tips to making new friends: introduce yourself, sit beside someone who is sitting alone, and offer to be a study partner. c. Here are three tips to making new friends:introduce yourself; sit beside someone who is sitting alone; and offer to be a study partner. d. NONE of the above sentences 21. Which ONE of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a. These seem simple, but it actually takes a lot of courage to take initiative in meeting people. b. These seem simple but it actually takes a lot of courage to take initiative in meeting people. These seem simple, but it actually takes alot of courage to take initiative in meeting people. d.NONE of the above sentences